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#Period types
value(x::Period) = x.value
# The default constructors for Periods work well in almost all cases
# P(x) = new((convert(Int64,x))
# The following definitions are for Period-specific safety
for period in (:Year, :Month, :Week, :Day, :Hour, :Minute, :Second, :Millisecond)
period_str = string(period)
accessor_str = lowercase(period_str)
# Convenience method for show()
@eval _units(x::$period) = " " * $accessor_str * (abs(value(x)) == 1 ? "" : "s")
# periodisless
@eval periodisless(x::$period,y::$period) = value(x) < value(y)
# AbstractString parsing (mainly for IO code)
@eval $period(x::AbstractString) = $period(Base.parse(Int64,x))
# Period accessors
typ_str = period in (:Hour, :Minute, :Second, :Millisecond) ? "DateTime" : "TimeType"
description = typ_str == "TimeType" ? "`Date` or `DateTime`" : "`$typ_str`"
reference = period == :Week ? " For details see [`$accessor_str(::$typ_str)`](:func:`$accessor_str`)." : ""
@eval begin
@doc """
$($period_str)(dt::$($typ_str)) -> $($period_str)
The $($accessor_str) part of a $($description) as a `$($period_str)`.$($reference)
""" ->
$period(dt::$(symbol(typ_str))) = $period($(symbol(accessor_str))(dt))
@doc """
Construct a `$($period_str)` object with the given `v` value. Input must be
losslessly convertible to an `Int64`.
""" $period(v)
# Now we're safe to define Period-Number conversions
# Anything an Int64 can convert to, a Period can convert to
Base.convert{T<:Number}(::Type{T},x::Period) = convert(T,value(x))
Base.convert{T<:Period}(::Type{T},x::Real) = T(x)
Base.string{P<:Period}(x::P) = string(value(x),_units(x))
Base.show(io::IO,x::Period) = print(io,string(x))
Base.zero{P<:Period}(::Union{Type{P},P}) = P(0)
Base.one{P<:Period}(::Union{Type{P},P}) = P(1)
Base.typemin{P<:Period}(::Type{P}) = P(typemin(Int64))
Base.typemax{P<:Period}(::Type{P}) = P(typemax(Int64))
# Default values (as used by TimeTypes)
default{T<:DatePeriod}(p::Union{T,Type{T}}) = one(p)
default{T<:TimePeriod}(p::Union{T,Type{T}}) = zero(p)
(-){P<:Period}(x::P) = P(-value(x))
Base.isless{P<:Period}(x::P,y::P) = isless(value(x),value(y))
=={P<:Period}(x::P,y::P) = value(x) == value(y)
# Period Arithmetic, grouped by dimensionality:
import Base: div, mod, rem, gcd, lcm, +, -, *, /, %, .+, .-, .*, .%
for op in (:+,:-,:lcm,:gcd)
@eval ($op){P<:Period}(x::P,y::P) = P(($op)(value(x),value(y)))
for op in (:/,:%,:div,:mod)
@eval begin
($op){P<:Period}(x::P,y::P) = ($op)(value(x),value(y))
($op){P<:Period}(x::P,y::Real) = P(($op)(value(x),Int64(y)))
/{P<:Period}(X::StridedArray{P}, y::P) = X ./ y
%{P<:Period}(X::StridedArray{P}, y::P) = X .% y
*{P<:Period}(x::P,y::Real) = P(value(x) * Int64(y))
*(y::Real,x::Period) = x * y
.*{P<:Period}(y::Real, X::StridedArray{P}) = X .* y
for (op,Ty,Tz) in ((:.*,Real,:P),
(:./,:P,Float64), (:./,Real,:P),
(:.%,:P,Int64), (:.%,Integer,:P),
(:div,:P,Int64), (:div,Integer,:P),
(:mod,:P,Int64), (:mod,Integer,:P))
sop = string(op)
op_ = sop[1] == '.' ? symbol(sop[2:end]) : op
@eval begin
function ($op){P<:Period}(X::StridedArray{P},y::$Ty)
Z = similar(X, $Tz)
for i = 1:length(X)
@inbounds Z[i] = ($op_)(X[i],y)
return Z
# intfuncs
Base.gcdx{T<:Period}(a::T,b::T) = ((g,x,y)=gcdx(value(a),value(b)); return T(g),x,y)
Base.abs{T<:Period}(a::T) = T(abs(value(a)))
# Like Base.steprem in range.jl, but returns the correct type for Periods
Base.steprem(start::Period,stop::Period,step::Period) = (stop-start) % value(step)
periodisless(::Period,::Year) = true
periodisless(::Period,::Month) = true
periodisless(::Year,::Month) = false
periodisless(::Period,::Week) = true
periodisless(::Year,::Week) = false
periodisless(::Month,::Week) = false
periodisless(::Period,::Day) = true
periodisless(::Year,::Day) = false
periodisless(::Month,::Day) = false
periodisless(::Week,::Day) = false
periodisless(::Period,::Hour) = false
periodisless(::Minute,::Hour) = true
periodisless(::Second,::Hour) = true
periodisless(::Millisecond,::Hour) = true
periodisless(::Period,::Minute) = false
periodisless(::Second,::Minute) = true
periodisless(::Millisecond,::Minute) = true
periodisless(::Period,::Second) = false
periodisless(::Millisecond,::Second) = true
periodisless(::Period,::Millisecond) = false
# return (next coarser period, conversion factor):
coarserperiod{P<:Period}(::Type{P}) = (P,1)
coarserperiod(::Type{Millisecond}) = (Second,1000)
coarserperiod(::Type{Second}) = (Minute,60)
coarserperiod(::Type{Minute}) = (Hour,60)
coarserperiod(::Type{Hour}) = (Day,24)
coarserperiod(::Type{Day}) = (Week,7)
coarserperiod(::Type{Month}) = (Year,12)
# Stores multiple periods in greatest to least order by type, not values,
# canonicalized to eliminate zero periods, merge equal period types,
# and convert more-precise periods to less-precise periods when possible
type CompoundPeriod <: AbstractTime
function CompoundPeriod(p::Vector{Period})
n = length(p)
if n > 1
sort!(p, rev=true, lt=periodisless)
# canonicalize p by merging equal period types and removing zeros
i = j = 1
while j <= n
k = j+1
while k <= n
if typeof(p[j]) == typeof(p[k])
p[j] += p[k]
k += 1
if p[j] != zero(p[j])
p[i] = p[j]
i += 1
j = k
n = i - 1 # new length
elseif n == 1 && value(p[1]) == 0
p = Period[]
n = 0
# canonicalize Period values so that 0 < ms < 1000 etcetera.
if n > 0
pc = sizehint!(Period[], n)
P = typeof(p[n])
v = value(p[n])
i = n - 1
while true
Pc, f = coarserperiod(P)
if i > 0 && typeof(p[i]) == P
v += value(p[i])
i -= 1
v0 = f == 1 ? v : mod(v, f)
v0 != 0 && push!(pc, P(v0))
if v != v0
P = Pc
v = div(v - v0, f)
elseif i > 0
P = typeof(p[i])
v = value(p[i])
i -= 1
return new(reverse!(pc))
return new(resize!(p, n))
Base.convert(::Type{CompoundPeriod}, x::Period) = CompoundPeriod(Period[x])
function Base.string(x::CompoundPeriod)
if isempty(x.periods)
return "empty period"
s = ""
for p in x.periods
s *= ", " * string(p)
return s[3:end]
Base.show(io::IO,x::CompoundPeriod) = print(io,string(x))
# E.g. Year(1) + Day(1)
(+)(x::Period,y::Period) = CompoundPeriod(Period[x,y])
(+)(x::CompoundPeriod,y::Period) = CompoundPeriod(vcat(x.periods,y))
(+)(y::Period,x::CompoundPeriod) = x + y
(+)(x::CompoundPeriod,y::CompoundPeriod) = CompoundPeriod(vcat(x.periods,y.periods))
# E.g. Year(1) - Month(1)
(-)(x::Period,y::Period) = CompoundPeriod(Period[x,-y])
(-)(x::CompoundPeriod,y::Period) = CompoundPeriod(vcat(x.periods,-y))
(-)(x::CompoundPeriod) = CompoundPeriod(-x.periods)
(-)(y::Union{Period,CompoundPeriod},x::CompoundPeriod) = (-x) + y
GeneralPeriod = Union{Period,CompoundPeriod}
(+)(x::GeneralPeriod) = x
(+){P<:GeneralPeriod}(x::StridedArray{P}) = x
for op in (:.+, :.-)
op_ = symbol(string(op)[2:end])
@eval begin
function ($op){P<:GeneralPeriod}(X::StridedArray{P},y::GeneralPeriod)
Z = similar(X, CompoundPeriod)
for i = 1:length(X)
@inbounds Z[i] = ($op_)(X[i],y)
return Z
($op){P<:GeneralPeriod}(x::GeneralPeriod,Y::StridedArray{P}) = ($op)(Y,x) |> ($op_)
($op_){P<:GeneralPeriod}(x::GeneralPeriod,Y::StridedArray{P}) = ($op)(Y,x) |> ($op_)
($op_){P<:GeneralPeriod}(Y::StridedArray{P},x::GeneralPeriod) = ($op)(Y,x)
($op_){P<:GeneralPeriod, Q<:GeneralPeriod}(X::StridedArray{P}, Y::StridedArray{Q}) =
reshape(CompoundPeriod[($op_)(X[i],Y[i]) for i in eachindex(X, Y)], promote_shape(size(X),size(Y)))
(==)(x::CompoundPeriod, y::Period) = x == CompoundPeriod(y)
(==)(y::Period, x::CompoundPeriod) = x == y
(==)(x::CompoundPeriod, y::CompoundPeriod) = x.periods == y.periods
# Capture TimeType+-Period methods
(+)(a::TimeType,b::Period,c::Period) = (+)(a,b+c)
(-)(a::TimeType,b::Period,c::Period) = (-)(a,b-c)
(+)(a::TimeType,b::Period,c::Period,d::Period...) = (+)((+)(a,b+c),d...)
(-)(a::TimeType,b::Period,c::Period,d::Period...) = (-)((-)(a,b-c),d...)
function (+)(x::TimeType,y::CompoundPeriod)
for p in y.periods
x += p
return x
(+)(x::CompoundPeriod,y::TimeType) = y + x
function (-)(x::TimeType,y::CompoundPeriod)
for p in y.periods
x -= p
return x
(-)(x::CompoundPeriod,y::TimeType) = y - x
# Fixed-value Periods (periods corresponding to a well-defined time interval,
# as opposed to variable calendar intervals like Year).
typealias FixedPeriod Union{Week,Day,Hour,Minute,Second,Millisecond}
# like div but throw an error if remainder is nonzero
function divexact(x,y)
q,r = divrem(x, y)
r == 0 || throw(InexactError())
return q
# FixedPeriod conversions and promotion rules
const fixedperiod_conversions = [(Week,7),(Day,24),(Hour,60),(Minute,60),(Second,1000),(Millisecond,1)]
for i = 1:length(fixedperiod_conversions)
(T,n) = fixedperiod_conversions[i]
N = 1
for j = i-1:-1:1 # less-precise periods
(Tc,nc) = fixedperiod_conversions[j]
N *= nc
vmax = typemax(Int64) ÷ N
vmin = typemin(Int64) ÷ N
@eval function Base.convert(::Type{$T}, x::$Tc)
$vmin ≤ value(x) ≤ $vmax || throw(InexactError())
return $T(value(x)*$N)
N = n
for j = i+1:length(fixedperiod_conversions) # more-precise periods
(Tc,nc) = fixedperiod_conversions[j]
@eval Base.convert(::Type{$T}, x::$Tc) = $T(divexact(value(x), $N))
@eval Base.promote_rule(::Type{$T},::Type{$Tc}) = $Tc
N *= nc
# have to declare thusly so that diagonal dispatch above takes precedence:
(==){T<:FixedPeriod,S<:FixedPeriod}(x::T,y::S) = (==)(promote(x,y)...)
Base.isless{T<:FixedPeriod,S<:FixedPeriod}(x::T,y::S) = isless(promote(x,y)...)
# other periods with fixed conversions but which aren't fixed time periods
typealias OtherPeriod Union{Month,Year}
let vmax = typemax(Int64) ÷ 12, vmin = typemin(Int64) ÷ 12
@eval function Base.convert(::Type{Month}, x::Year)
$vmin ≤ value(x) ≤ $vmax || throw(InexactError())
Base.convert(::Type{Year}, x::Month) = Year(divexact(value(x),12))
Base.promote_rule(::Type{Year}, ::Type{Month}) = Month
(==){T<:OtherPeriod,S<:OtherPeriod}(x::T,y::S) = (==)(promote(x,y)...)
Base.isless{T<:OtherPeriod,S<:OtherPeriod}(x::T,y::S) = isless(promote(x,y)...)
# truncating conversions to milliseconds and days:
toms(c::Millisecond) = value(c)
toms(c::Second) = 1000*value(c)
toms(c::Minute) = 60000*value(c)
toms(c::Hour) = 3600000*value(c)
toms(c::Day) = 86400000*value(c)
toms(c::Week) = 604800000*value(c)
toms(c::Month) = 86400000.0*30.436875*value(c)
toms(c::Year) = 86400000.0*365.2425*value(c)
toms(c::CompoundPeriod) = isempty(c.periods)?0.0 : Float64(sum(toms,c.periods))
days(c::Millisecond) = div(value(c),86400000)
days(c::Second) = div(value(c),86400)
days(c::Minute) = div(value(c),1440)
days(c::Hour) = div(value(c),24)
days(c::Day) = value(c)
days(c::Week) = 7*value(c)
days(c::Year) = 365.2425*value(c)
days(c::Month) = 30.436875*value(c)
days(c::CompoundPeriod) = isempty(c.periods)?0.0 : Float64(sum(days,c.periods))