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# -*- coding: ISO-8859-1 -*-
# dvhcalc.py
"""Calculate dose volume histogram (DVH) from DICOM RT Structure / Dose data."""
# Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Aditya Panchal
# Copyright (c) 2010 Roy Keyes
# This file is part of dicompyler, released under a BSD license.
# See the file license.txt included with this distribution, also
# available at http://code.google.com/p/dicompyler/
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('dicompyler.dvhcalc')
import numpy as np
import numpy.ma as ma
import matplotlib
if matplotlib.__version__ > '1.2':
from matplotlib.path import Path as mpl_Path
from matplotlib import nxutils as nx
def get_dvh(structure, dose, limit=None, callback=None):
"""Get a calculated cumulative DVH along with the associated parameters."""
# Get the differential DVH
hist = calculate_dvh(structure, dose, limit, callback)
# Convert the differential DVH into a cumulative DVH
dvh = get_cdvh(hist)
dvhdata = {}
dvhdata['data'] = dvh
dvhdata['bins'] = len(dvh)
dvhdata['type'] = 'CUMULATIVE'
dvhdata['doseunits'] = 'GY'
dvhdata['volumeunits'] = 'CM3'
dvhdata['scaling'] = 1
# save the min dose as -1 so we can calculate it later
dvhdata['min'] = -1
# save the max dose as -1 so we can calculate it later
dvhdata['max'] = -1
# save the mean dose as -1 so we can calculate it later
dvhdata['mean'] = -1
return dvhdata
def calculate_dvh(structure, dose, limit=None, callback=None):
"""Calculate the differential DVH for the given structure and dose grid."""
sPlanes = structure['planes']
logger.debug("Calculating DVH of %s %s", structure['id'], structure['name'])
# Get the dose to pixel LUT
doselut = dose.GetPatientToPixelLUT()
# Generate a 2d mesh grid to create a polygon mask in dose coordinates
# Code taken from Stack Overflow Answer from Joe Kington:
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3654289/scipy-create-2d-polygon-mask/3655582
# Create vertex coordinates for each grid cell
x, y = np.meshgrid(np.array(doselut[0]), np.array(doselut[1]))
x, y = x.flatten(), y.flatten()
dosegridpoints = np.vstack((x,y)).T
# Create an empty array of bins to store the histogram in cGy
# only if the structure has contour data or the dose grid exists
if ((len(sPlanes)) and ("PixelData" in dose.ds)):
# Get the dose and image data information
dd = dose.GetDoseData()
id = dose.GetImageData()
maxdose = int(dd['dosemax'] * dd['dosegridscaling'] * 100)
# Remove values above the limit (cGy) if specified
if not (limit == None):
if (limit < maxdose):
maxdose = limit
hist = np.zeros(maxdose)
hist = np.array([0])
volume = 0
plane = 0
# Iterate over each plane in the structure
for z, sPlane in sPlanes.iteritems():
# Get the contours with calculated areas and the largest contour index
contours, largestIndex = calculate_contour_areas(sPlane)
# Get the dose plane for the current structure plane
doseplane = dose.GetDoseGrid(z)
# If there is no dose for the current plane, go to the next plane
if not len(doseplane):
# Calculate the histogram for each contour
for i, contour in enumerate(contours):
m = get_contour_mask(doselut, dosegridpoints, contour['data'])
h, vol = calculate_contour_dvh(m, doseplane, maxdose,
dd, id, structure)
# If this is the largest contour, just add to the total histogram
if (i == largestIndex):
hist += h
volume += vol
# Otherwise, determine whether to add or subtract histogram
# depending if the contour is within the largest contour or not
contour['inside'] = False
for point in contour['data']:
if matplotlib.__version__ > '1.2':
if mpl_Path(np.array(contours[largestIndex]['data'])).contains_point(point):
contour['inside'] = True
# Assume if one point is inside, all will be inside
if nx.pnpoly(point[0], point[1],
contour['inside'] = True
# Assume if one point is inside, all will be inside
# If the contour is inside, subtract it from the total histogram
if contour['inside']:
hist -= h
volume -= vol
# Otherwise it is outside, so add it to the total histogram
hist += h
volume += vol
plane += 1
if not (callback == None):
callback(plane, len(sPlanes))
# Volume units are given in cm^3
volume = volume/1000
# Rescale the histogram to reflect the total volume
hist = hist*volume/sum(hist)
# Remove the bins above the max dose for the structure
hist = np.trim_zeros(hist, trim='b')
return hist
def calculate_contour_areas(plane):
"""Calculate the area of each contour for the given plane.
Additionally calculate and return the largest contour index."""
# Calculate the area for each contour in the current plane
contours = []
largest = 0
largestIndex = 0
for c, contour in enumerate(plane):
# Create arrays for the x,y coordinate pair for the triangulation
x = []
y = []
for point in contour['contourData']:
cArea = 0
# Calculate the area based on the Surveyor's formula
for i in range(0, len(x)-1):
cArea = cArea + x[i]*y[i+1] - x[i+1]*y[i]
cArea = abs(cArea / 2)
# Remove the z coordinate from the xyz point tuple
data = map(lambda x: x[0:2], contour['contourData'])
# Add the contour area and points to the list of contours
contours.append({'area':cArea, 'data':data})
# Determine which contour is the largest
if (cArea > largest):
largest = cArea
largestIndex = c
return contours, largestIndex
def get_contour_mask(doselut, dosegridpoints, contour):
"""Get the mask for the contour with respect to the dose plane."""
if matplotlib.__version__ > '1.2':
grid = mpl_Path(contour).contains_points(dosegridpoints)
grid = nx.points_inside_poly(dosegridpoints, contour)
grid = grid.reshape((len(doselut[1]), len(doselut[0])))
return grid
def calculate_contour_dvh(mask, doseplane, maxdose, dd, id, structure):
"""Calculate the differential DVH for the given contour and dose plane."""
# Multiply the structure mask by the dose plane to get the dose mask
mask = ma.array(doseplane * dd['dosegridscaling'] * 100, mask=~mask)
# Calculate the differential dvh
hist, edges = np.histogram(mask.compressed(),
# Calculate the volume for the contour for the given dose plane
vol = sum(hist) * ((id['pixelspacing'][0]) *
(id['pixelspacing'][1]) *
return hist, vol
def get_cdvh(ddvh):
"""Calculate the cumulative DVH from a differential DVH array."""
# cDVH(x) is Sum (Integral) of dDVH with x as lower limit
cdvh = []
j = 0
jmax = len(ddvh)
while j < jmax:
cdvh += [np.sum(ddvh[j:])]
j += 1
cdvh = np.array(cdvh)
return cdvh
############################# Test DVH Calculation #############################
def main():
import dicomparser
import string
has_pylab = True
import pylab as pl
except ImportError:
has_pylab = False
# Read the example RT structure and RT dose files
# The testdata was downloaded from the dicompyler website as testdata.zip
rtss = dicomparser.DicomParser(filename="testdata/rtss.dcm")
rtdose = dicomparser.DicomParser(filename="testdata/rtdose.dcm")
# Obtain the structures and DVHs from the DICOM data
structures = rtss.GetStructures()
dvhs = rtdose.GetDVHs()
# Generate the calculated DVHs
calcdvhs = {}
for key, structure in structures.iteritems():
calcdvhs[key] = get_dvh(structure, rtdose)
# Compare the calculated and original DVH volume for each structure
print '\nStructure Name\t\t' + 'Original Volume\t\t' + \
'Calculated Volume\t' + 'Percent Difference'
print '--------------\t\t' + '---------------\t\t' + \
'-----------------\t' + '------------------'
for key, structure in structures.iteritems():
if (key in calcdvhs) and (len(calcdvhs[key]['data'])):
if key in dvhs:
ovol = dvhs[key]['data'][0]
cvol = calcdvhs[key]['data'][0]
print string.ljust(structure['name'], 18) + '\t' + \
string.ljust(str(ovol), 18) + '\t' + \
string.ljust(str(cvol), 18) + '\t' + \
"%.3f" % float((100)*(cvol-ovol)/(ovol))
# Plot the DVHs if pylab is available
if has_pylab:
for key, structure in structures.iteritems():
if (key in calcdvhs) and (len(calcdvhs[key]['data'])):
if key in dvhs:
color=np.array(structure['color'], dtype=float)/255,
label=structure['name'], linestyle='dashed')
color=np.array(structure['color'], dtype=float)/255,
label='Original '+structure['name'])
pl.legend(loc=7, borderaxespad=-5)
pl.setp(pl.gca().get_legend().get_texts(), fontsize='x-small')
if __name__ == '__main__':