/usr/share/axiom-20140801/input/conformal.input is in axiom-test 20140801-12.
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)set fun comp on
)spool conformal.output
)set message test on
)set message auto off
)clear all
--S 1 of 18
C := Complex DoubleFloat -- Complex Numbers
--R (1) Complex(DoubleFloat)
--R Type: Domain
--E 1
--S 2 of 18
S := Segment DoubleFloat -- Draw ranges
--R (2) Segment(DoubleFloat)
--R Type: Domain
--E 2
--S 3 of 18
R3 := POINT DoubleFloat -- points in 3-space
--R (3) Point(DoubleFloat)
--R Type: Domain
--E 3
--S 4 of 18
conformalDraw: (C -> C, S, S, PI, PI, String) -> VIEW3D
--R Type: Void
--E 4
--S 5 of 18
conformalDraw(f, rRange, tRange, rSteps, tSteps, coord) ==
transformC :=
coord = "polar" => polar2Complex
cm := makeConformalMap(f, transformC)
sp := createThreeSpace()
adaptGrid(sp, cm, rRange, tRange, rSteps, tSteps)
makeViewport3D(sp, "Conformal Map")
--R Type: Void
--E 5
--S 6 of 18
riemannConformalDraw: (C -> C, S, S, PI, PI, String) -> VIEW3D
--R Type: Void
--E 6
--S 7 of 18
riemannConformalDraw(f, rRange, tRange, rSteps, tSteps, coord) ==
transformC :=
coord = "polar" => polar2Complex
sp := createThreeSpace()
cm := makeRiemannConformalMap(f, transformC)
adaptGrid(sp, cm, rRange, tRange, rSteps, tSteps)
-- add an invisible point at the north pole for scaling
curve(sp, [point [0,0,2.0@DoubleFloat,0], point [0,0, 2.0@DoubleFloat,0]])
makeViewport3D(sp, "Conformal Map on the Riemann Sphere")
--R Type: Void
--E 7
--S 8 of 18
adaptGrid(sp, f, uRange, vRange, uSteps, vSteps) ==
delU := (hi(uRange) - lo(uRange))/uSteps
delV := (hi(vRange) - lo(vRange))/vSteps
uSteps := uSteps + 1; vSteps := vSteps + 1
u := lo uRange
-- draw the coodinate lines in the v direction
for i in 1..uSteps repeat
-- create a curve 'c' which fixes the current value of 'u'
c := curryLeft(f,u)
cf := (t:DoubleFloat):DoubleFloat +-> 0
-- draw the 'v' coordinate line
makeObject(c, vRange::Segment Float, colorFunction == cf, space == sp, _
tubeRadius == 0.02, tubePoints == 6)
u := u + delU
v := lo vRange
-- draw the coodinate lines in the u direction
for i in 1..vSteps repeat
-- create a curve 'c' which fixes the current value of 'v'
c := curryRight(f,v)
cf := (t:DoubleFloat):DoubleFloat +-> 1
-- draw the 'u' coordinate line
makeObject(c, uRange::Segment Float, colorFunction == cf, space == sp, _
tubeRadius == 0.02, tubePoints == 6)
v := v + delV
--R Type: Void
--E 8
--S 9 of 18
riemannTransform(z) ==
r := sqrt norm z
cosTheta := (real z)/r
sinTheta := (imag z)/r
cp := 4*r/(4+r**2)
sp := sqrt(1-cp*cp)
if r>2 then sp := -sp
point [cosTheta*cp, sinTheta*cp, -sp + 1]
--R Type: Void
--E 9
--S 10 of 18
cartesian2Complex(r:DoubleFloat, i:DoubleFloat):C == complex(r, i)
--R Function declaration cartesian2Complex : (DoubleFloat,DoubleFloat)
--R -> Complex(DoubleFloat) has been added to workspace.
--R Type: Void
--E 10
--S 11 of 18
polar2Complex(r:DoubleFloat, th:DoubleFloat):C == complex(r*cos(th), r*sin(th))
--R Function declaration polar2Complex : (DoubleFloat,DoubleFloat) ->
--R Complex(DoubleFloat) has been added to workspace.
--R Type: Void
--E 11
--S 12 of 18
makeConformalMap(f, transformC) ==
(u:DoubleFloat,v:DoubleFloat):R3 +->
z := f transformC(u, v)
point [real z, imag z, 0.0@DoubleFloat]
--R Type: Void
--E 12
--S 13 of 18
makeRiemannConformalMap(f, transformC) ==
(u:DoubleFloat, v:DoubleFloat):R3 +-> riemannTransform f transformC(u, v)
--R Type: Void
--E 13
--S 14 of 18
riemannSphereDraw: (S, S, PI, PI, String) -> VIEW3D
--R Type: Void
--E 14
--S 15 of 18
riemannSphereDraw(rRange, tRange, rSteps, tSteps, coord) ==
transformC :=
coord = "polar" => polar2Complex
grid := (u:DoubleFloat , v:DoubleFloat): R3 +->
z1 := transformC(u, v)
point [real z1, imag z1, 0]
sp := createThreeSpace()
adaptGrid(sp, grid, rRange, tRange, rSteps, tSteps)
connectingLines(sp, grid, rRange, tRange, rSteps, tSteps)
makeObject(riemannSphere, 0..2*%pi, 0..%pi, space == sp)
f := (z:C):C +-> z
cm := makeRiemannConformalMap(f, transformC)
adaptGrid(sp, cm, rRange, tRange, rSteps, tSteps)
makeViewport3D(sp, "Riemann Sphere")
--R Type: Void
--E 15
--S 16 of 18
connectingLines(sp, f, uRange, vRange, uSteps, vSteps) ==
delU := (hi(uRange) - lo(uRange))/uSteps
delV := (hi(vRange) - lo(vRange))/vSteps
uSteps := uSteps + 1; vSteps := vSteps + 1
u := lo uRange
-- for each grid point
for i in 1..uSteps repeat
v := lo vRange
for j in 1..vSteps repeat
p1 := f(u,v)
p2 := riemannTransform complex(p1.1, p1.2)
fun := lineFromTo(p1,p2)
cf := (t:DoubleFloat):DoubleFloat +-> 3
makeObject(fun, 0..1, space == sp, tubePoints == 4, tubeRadius == 0.01,
colorFunction == cf)
v := v + delV
u := u + delU
--R Type: Void
--E 16
--S 17 of 18
riemannSphere(u,v) ==
sv := sin(v)
0.99@DoubleFloat*(point [cos(u)*sv, sin(u)*sv, cos(v),0.0@DoubleFloat]) +
point [0.0@DoubleFloat, 0.0@DoubleFloat, 1.0@DoubleFloat, 4.0@DoubleFloat]
--R Type: Void
--E 17
--S 18 of 18
lineFromTo(p1, p2) ==
d := p2 - p1
(t:DoubleFloat):Point DoubleFloat +-> p1 + t*d
--R Type: Void
--E 18
)lisp (bye)