/usr/share/games/angrydd/ai.py is in angrydd 1.0.1-11.
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# Copyright 2004 Joe Wreschnig <piman@sacredchao.net>
# Released under the terms of the GNU GPL v2.
__revision__ = "$Id: ai.py 286 2004-09-04 03:51:59Z piman $"
# Trick borrowed from Peter Norvig's Python IAQ:
# http://www.norvig.com/python-iaq.html
def _abstract():
import inspect
caller = inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe())[1][3]
raise NotImplementedError(caller + ' must be implemented in subclass')
import random, math
import util
from game import BasicField
from boxes import TickBox, BreakBox, Box, Special, Diamond
def copy_box(box):
args = [box.color, [box.x, box.y]]
newbox = None
if isinstance(box, Box):
newbox = Box(*args)
elif isinstance(box, TickBox):
newbox = TickBox(*args)
newbox.time_left = box.time_left
elif isinstance(box, BreakBox):
newbox = BreakBox(*args)
elif isinstance(box, Special):
newbox = Special(box.color, [box.x, box.y], box.special)
elif isinstance(box, Diamond):
newbox = Diamond(box.color, [box.x, box.y])
return newbox
class AIField(BasicField):
def __init__(self, field):
BasicField.__init__(self, field.width, field.height)
for y, row in enumerate(field):
for x, box in enumerate(row):
if field[y][x] is not None:
# Only add a box if we're at its topleft, i.e.
# don't add merged boxes many times.
newbox = copy_box(box)
if isinstance(newbox, Box):
if box.x != x or box.y != y: continue
else: newbox.set_size(box.size, self)
if newbox:
self.add_box([newbox.x, newbox.y], newbox)
# Take a turn (move all pieces down, tick, merge, break, repeat)
# Doesn't do boning. Returns the value of gems broken.
def take_turn(self):
while self.fall(): pass
while self.merge(): pass
value, dead = self.breaking()
while len(dead) > 0:
while self.fall(): pass
while self.merge(): pass
newv, dead = self.breaking()
value += newv
return value
def can_drop1(self, col):
return (self._field[0][col] is None)
# Orientation is as described in FallingBoxes#_render.
def can_drop(self, col, orientation):
if col >= self.width: return False
elif orientation == 0: # 2 above 1
return (self._field[0][col] is None)
elif orientation == 1:
return ((col != 0) and self._field[0][col] is None and
self._field[0][col - 1] is None)
elif orientation == 2:
return (self._field[0][col] is None and
self._field[1][col] is None)
elif orientation == 3:
return (col != self.width - 1 and
self._field[0][col] is None and
self._field[0][col + 1] is None)
else: return False
# Drop box1 and box2 in the given orientation at the top of this
# field. Return True (and does it if it thinks such a thing is
# possible, False otherwise. Possibility is currently only
# decided by space available at the top, and not any intervening
# blocks that might block it (i.e. naively)
def drop(self, boxes, col, orientation):
box1, box2 = boxes
if not self.can_drop(col, orientation): return False
elif orientation == 0: # 2 above 1
if self._field[1][col] is not None:
self.add_box([col, 0], box1)
self.add_box([col, 1], box1)
self.add_box([col, 0], box2)
elif orientation == 1: # 2 left of 1
self.add_box([col, 0], box1)
self.add_box([col - 1, 0], box2)
elif orientation == 2: # 2 below 1
self.add_box([col, 0], box1)
self.add_box([col, 1], box2)
elif orientation == 3: # 2 right of 1
self.add_box([col, 0], box1)
self.add_box([col + 1, 0], box2)
return True
def drop1(self, box, col):
if not self.can_drop1(col): return False
self.add_box([col, 0], box)
return True
def get_height(self, col):
for y in range(self.height):
if self._field[y][col] != None: return self.height - y
else: return 0
def max_height(self):
return max([self.get_height(i) for i in range(self.width)])
def average_height(self):
s = 4 * self.get_height(3) # This is very bad to fill up
s += sum([self.get_height(x) for x in range(self.width)])
return s / self.width
def stddev_height(self):
avg = self.average_height()
std_dev = 0
for i in range(self.width):
v = avg - self.get_height(i)
std_dev += v * v
std_dev /= float(self.width)
return math.sqrt(std_dev)
# Expand given only one box; total states = field.width.
def expand1(self, box, rand = True):
columns = range(self.width)
if rand: random.shuffle(columns)
for col in columns:
if self.can_drop1(col):
f = AIField(self)
newbox = copy_box(box)
f.drop1(newbox, col)
yield 0, col, f, [newbox]
# Expand the state space based on the boxes given. 4 orientations,
# width of 6 = 22 expansions (after illegal ones removed).
def expand(self, boxes, rand = True):
orientations = range(4)
columns = range(self.width)
if rand:
columns.remove(3); columns.append(3)
for orientation in orientations:
for col in columns:
if self.can_drop(col, orientation):
f = AIField(self)
newboxes = [copy_box(b) for b in boxes]
f.drop(newboxes, col, orientation)
yield orientation, col, f, newboxes
class AI(object):
def __init__(self, player):
self.player = player
self.insane = False
self.drops = 70
self.delta = 120
# Expand and find the highest value for the given callback; it
# defaults to the value of the gems broken if no callback is
# passed in.
def find_high(self, h = (lambda *args: args[1])):
best_score = None
best_move = (0, 0)
for orient, col, field, boxes in self.field.expand(self.falling):
fscore = field.take_turn()
score = h(orient, col, field, boxes, fscore)
if best_score is None or score > best_score:
best_score = score
best_move = (orient, col)
yield None
yield best_move
# Expand and find the lowest value for the given callback; if
# the value is 0, it returns it and doesn't expand anymore.
def find_low(self, h, halt_on_zero = True):
best_score = None
best_move = (0, 0)
for orient, col, field, boxes in self.field.expand(self.falling):
fscore = field.take_turn()
score = h(orient, col, field, boxes, fscore)
if best_score is None or score < best_score:
best_score = score
best_move = (orient, col)
if best_score == 0 and halt_on_zero: break
yield None
yield best_move
def incoming(self, field, falling):
self.field = AIField(field)
self.falling = [falling._box1, falling._box2]
def __iter__(self):
# Override this function to change how the AI moves. It should
# return an iterator (or generator) that returns either None
# when it's still thinking, or a tuple (orientation, column)
# to put the piece in when it's done. This function is called
# when a new piece is put into play, and after a move is made
# is not called again until another piece is put in. (i.e.
# you can't change your mind.)
# Note that once your moves are committed, each left/right/rotate
# motion will take a (nontrivial) fraction of a second! Around
# 1/12th of a second per move. So, thinking fast is important.
# Look at the RandomAI for a trivial example.
class SlowAI(AI):
def __init__(self, *args):
AI.__init__(self, *args)
self.drops = 0
self.delta = 500
class MediumAI(AI):
def __init__(self, *args):
AI.__init__(self, *args)
self.drops = 100
self.delta = 150
class FastAI(AI):
def __init__(self, *args):
AI.__init__(self, *args)
self.drops = 80
self.delta = 100
class SuperFastAI(AI):
def __init__(self, *args):
AI.__init__(self, *args)
self.drops = 25
self.delta = 25
# A test AI that plays totally randomly.
class RandomAI(AI):
def __iter__(self):
yield None
yield (random.randrange(0, 4),
random.randrange(0, self.player.field.width))
# Another test AI, just tries to keep average field height low
class KeepLowAI(AI):
def __iter__(self):
return self.find_low(self._total_height)
def _total_height(self, orient, col, field, boxes, score):
return sum([field.get_height(x) for x in range(field.width)])
class GoodAI(AI):
def __iter__(self):
if self.field.get_height(3) > 8:
return self.find_low(self._emergency)
elif self.field.max_height() > 9:
return self.find_high(self._lower_max)
elif self.field.average_height() < 7:
return self.find_high(self._form_boxes)
return self.find_high()
def _emergency(self, orient, col, field, boxes, score):
return (score > 25, field.get_height(3), score)
def _lower_max(self, orient, col, field, boxes, score):
return (
score > 25,
def _form_boxes(self, orient, col, field, boxes, score):
return (
score > 25,
field.max_height() < 10,
self._adjacencies(field, boxes))
def _adjacencies(self, field, boxes):
adj = 0
for box in filter(None, boxes):
if not box.crashed:
for adjbox in filter(None, box.adjacent(field)):
if adjbox.color == box.color: adj += 3
else: adj -= 1
return adj
def _gemsize(self, field):
return max([1] + [box.size[0] * box.size[1]
for box in util.flatten(field)
if box])
class StupidAI(RandomAI, SlowAI): pass
class VeryEasyAI(KeepLowAI, SlowAI): pass
class EasyAI(KeepLowAI, MediumAI): pass
class NormalAI(GoodAI, MediumAI): pass
class HardAI(GoodAI, FastAI): pass
class InsaneAI(GoodAI, SuperFastAI): pass