/usr/include/spooles/Eigen/BridgeMPI.h is in libspooles-dev 2.2-11.
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#include <mpi.h>
#include "../MPI.h"
#define LOCAL 1
#define GLOBAL 2
this object is the bridge between the lanczos and spooles codes.
NOTE: MPI version
neqns -- number of equations
prbtype -- problem type
1 -- vibration, multiply with M or B
2 -- buckling, multiply with K or A
3 -- simple
mxbsz -- maximum block size
nproc -- number of processes
myid -- id of this process
coordFlag -- coordinate flag
1 -- global coordinates for local matrix used in mvm
2 -- local coordinates for local matrix used in mvm
seed -- random number seed used in ordering
msglvl -- message level for SPOOLES programs
set msglvl = 0 for no output
set msglvl = 1 for scalar and timing output
set msglvl >= 2 for lots of output
msgFile -- message file for debug and diagnostic output
external objects, not free'd in the cleanup
A -- InpMtx object for the first matrix,
B -- InpMtx object for the second matrix
internal objects, free'd in cleanup
pencil -- Pencil object that contains A + sigma B
frontETree -- object that contains the front tree information
symbfacIVL -- object that contains the symbolic factorization
mtxmanager -- SubMtx manager object that handles storage
for the submatrices of the factors.
frontmtx -- object that contains the factorization
oldToNewIV -- object that contains the old-to-new permutation
newToOldIV -- object that contains the new-to-old permutation
vtxmapIV -- object that contains the map
from vertices to processes
myownedIV -- object that contains the vertices
owned by this processor
ownersIV -- object that contains the map
from fronts to processes
solvemap -- object that contains the map
from submatrices to processes
rowmapIV -- if pivoting was performed, this object holds
the map from rows of the factor to processors.
Xloc -- local matrix for X of Y = A*X
Yloc -- local matrix for Y of Y = A*X
info -- object for distributed matrix-matrix multiply
created -- 98aug10, jcp & cca
typedef struct bridgeMPI_ {
int neqns ;
int nproc ;
int myid ;
int prbtype ;
int mxbsz ;
int coordFlag ;
InpMtx *A ;
InpMtx *B ;
Pencil *pencil ;
ETree *frontETree ;
IVL *symbfacIVL ;
SubMtxManager *mtxmanager ;
FrontMtx *frontmtx ;
IV *oldToNewIV ;
IV *newToOldIV ;
IV *vtxmapIV ;
IV *myownedIV ;
IV *ownersIV ;
IV *rowmapIV ;
SolveMap *solvemap ;
MatMulInfo *info ;
DenseMtx *Xloc ;
DenseMtx *Yloc ;
int seed ;
int msglvl ;
FILE *msgFile ;
MPI_Comm comm ;
} BridgeMPI ;
purpose --
given InpMtx objects that contain A and B, initialize the bridge
data structure for the MPI factor's, solve's and mvm's.
NOTE: all the input arguments are pointers
to allow calls from Fortran
data -- pointer to a Bridge object
pprbtype -- pointer to value containing problem type
*prbtype = 1 --> A X = B X Lambda, vibration problem
*prbtype = 2 --> A X = B X Lambda, buckling problem
*prbtype = 3 --> A X = X Lambda, simple eigenvalue problem
pneqns -- pointer to value containing number of equations
pmxbsz -- pointer to value containing blocksize
A -- pointer to InpMtx object containing A
B -- pointer to InpMtx object containing B
pseed -- pointer to value containing a random number seed
pmsglvl -- pointer to value containing a message level
msgFile -- message file pointer
return value --
1 -- normal return
-1 -- data is NULL
-2 -- pprbtype is NULL
-3 -- *pprbtype is invalid
-4 -- pneqns is NULL
-5 -- *pneqns is invalid
-6 -- pmxbsz is NULL
-7 -- *pmxbsz is invalid
-8 -- A and B are NULL
-9 -- pseed is NULL
-10 -- pmsglvl is NULL
-11 -- *pmsglvl > 0 and msgFile is NULL
-12 -- comm is NULL
created -- 98aug10, cca
SetupMPI (
void *data,
int *pprbtype,
int *pneqns,
int *pmxbsz,
InpMtx *A,
InpMtx *B,
int *pseed,
int *pmsglvl,
FILE *msgFile,
MPI_Comm comm
) ;
purpose -- to compute the factorization of A - sigma * B
note: all variables in the calling sequence are references
to allow call from fortran.
input parameters
data -- pointer to bridge data object
psigma -- shift for the matrix pencil
ppvttol -- pivot tolerance
*ppvttol = 0.0 --> no pivoting used
*ppvttol != 0.0 --> pivoting used, entries in factor are
bounded above by 1/pvttol in magnitude
output parameters
*pinertia -- on return contains the number of negative eigenvalues
*perror -- on return contains an error code
1 -- error found during factorization
0 -- normal return
-1 -- psigma is NULL
-2 -- ppvttol is NULL
-3 -- data is NULL
-4 -- pinertia is NULL
created -- 98aug10, cca & jcp
FactorMPI (
double *psigma,
double *ppvttol,
void *data,
int *pinertia,
int *perror
) ;
purpose --- to compute a matrix-vector multiply y[] = C * x[]
where C is the identity, A or B (depending on *pprbtype).
*pnrows -- # of rows in x[]
*pncols -- # of columns in x[]
*pprbtype -- problem type
*pprbtype = 1 --> vibration problem, matrix is A
*pprbtype = 2 --> buckling problem, matrix is B
*pprbtype = 3 --> matrix is identity, y[] = x[]
created -- 98aug11, cca & jcp
MatMulMPI (
int *pnrows,
int *pncols,
double x[],
double y[],
int *pprbtype,
void *data
) ;
purpose -- to solve a linear system
(A - sigma*B) sol[] = rhs[]
data -- pointer to bridge data object
*pnrows -- # of rows in x[] and y[]
*pncols -- # of columns in x[] and y[]
rhs[] -- vector that holds right hand sides
sol[] -- vector to hold solutions
note: rhs[] and sol[] can be the same array.
on return, *perror holds an error code.
created -- 98aug10, cca & jcp
SolveMPI (
int *pnrows,
int *pncols,
double rhs[],
double sol[],
void *data,
int *perror
) ;
purpose -- to free the owned data structures
return values --
1 -- normal return
-1 -- data is NULL
created -- 98aug10, cca
CleanupMPI (
void *data
) ;