/usr/include/liggghts/modify.h is in libliggghts-dev 3.0.3+repack-2.
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LIGGGHTS - LAMMPS Improved for General Granular and Granular Heat
Transfer Simulations
LIGGGHTS is part of the CFDEMproject
www.liggghts.com | www.cfdem.com
This file was modified with respect to the release in LAMMPS
Modifications are Copyright 2009-2012 JKU Linz
Copyright 2012- DCS Computing GmbH, Linz
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator
http://lammps.sandia.gov, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton, sjplimp@sandia.gov
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#ifndef LMP_MODIFY_H
#define LMP_MODIFY_H
#include "stdio.h"
#include "pointers.h"
#include "fix.h"
#include <map>
#include <string>
namespace LAMMPS_NS {
class Modify : protected Pointers {
int nfix,maxfix;
int n_initial_integrate,n_post_integrate,n_pre_exchange,n_pre_neighbor;
int n_pre_force,n_post_force;
int n_iterate_implicitly;
int n_final_integrate,n_end_of_step,n_thermo_energy;
int n_initial_integrate_respa,n_post_integrate_respa;
int n_pre_force_respa,n_post_force_respa,n_final_integrate_respa;
int n_min_pre_exchange,n_min_pre_neighbor;
int n_min_pre_force,n_min_post_force,n_min_energy;
int restart_pbc_any; // 1 if any fix sets restart_pbc
int nfix_restart_global; // stored fix global info from restart file
int nfix_restart_peratom; // stored fix peratom info from restart file
class Fix **fix; // list of fixes
int *fmask; // bit mask for when each fix is applied
int timing; // 1 if fix calls are timed
int ncompute,maxcompute; // list of computes
class Compute **compute;
Modify(class LAMMPS *);
virtual ~Modify();
virtual void init();
virtual void setup(int);
virtual void setup_pre_exchange();
virtual void setup_pre_neighbor();
virtual void setup_pre_force(int);
virtual void initial_integrate(int);
virtual void post_integrate();
void pre_decide();
virtual void pre_exchange();
virtual void pre_neighbor();
virtual void pre_force(int);
virtual void post_force(int);
virtual void final_integrate();
virtual bool iterate_implicitly();
virtual void end_of_step();
virtual double thermo_energy();
virtual void post_run();
void setup_pre_force_respa(int, int);
void initial_integrate_respa(int, int, int);
void post_integrate_respa(int, int);
void pre_force_respa(int, int, int);
void post_force_respa(int, int, int);
void final_integrate_respa(int, int);
void min_pre_exchange();
void min_pre_neighbor();
void min_pre_force(int);
void min_post_force(int);
double min_energy(double *);
void min_store();
void min_step(double, double *);
void min_clearstore();
void min_pushstore();
void min_popstore();
int min_reset_ref();
double max_alpha(double *);
int min_dof();
void add_fix(int, char **, char *suffix = NULL);
void modify_fix(int, char **);
void delete_fix(const char *,bool unfixflag = false);
int find_fix(const char *);
class FixPropertyGlobal* add_fix_property_global(int narg,char **arg,const char *);
class FixPropertyAtom* add_fix_property_atom(int narg,char **arg,const char *);
class Fix* find_fix_property(const char *,const char *,const char *,int ,int,const char * );
class Fix* find_fix_property(const char *,const char *,const char *,int ,int,const char *,bool );
class Fix* find_fix_id(const char *id);
class Compute* find_compute_id(const char *id);
class Fix* find_fix_id_style(const char *id,const char *style);
class Fix* find_fix_style(const char *style, int rank);
class Fix* find_fix_style_strict(const char *style, int rank);
class Compute* find_compute_style_strict(const char *style, int rank);
int n_fixes_style(const char *style);
int n_computes_style(const char *style);
int n_fixes_style_strict(const char *style);
bool i_am_first_of_style(class Fix *fix_to_check);
int index_first_fix_of_style(const char *style);
int index_last_fix_of_style(const char *style);
int my_index(class Fix *fixptr);
int index_first_fix_with_function(const int FUNCTION, bool integrate=false);
class FixScalarTransportEquation* find_fix_scalar_transport_equation(const char *equation_id);
void box_extent(double &xlo,double &xhi,double &ylo,double &yhi,double &zlo,double &zhi);
void add_compute(int, char **, char *suffix = NULL);
void modify_compute(int, char **);
void delete_compute(const char *,bool uncomputeflag = false);
int find_compute(const char *);
void clearstep_compute();
void addstep_compute(bigint);
void addstep_compute_all(bigint);
void write_restart(FILE *);
int read_restart(FILE *);
void restart_deallocate();
bigint memory_usage();
int fix_restart_in_progress();
bool have_restart_data(Fix *f);
void max_min_rad(double &maxrad,double &minrad);
// lists of fixes to apply at different stages of timestep
int *list_initial_integrate,*list_post_integrate;
int *list_pre_exchange,*list_pre_neighbor;
int *list_pre_force,*list_post_force;
int *list_iterate_implicitly;
int *list_final_integrate,*list_end_of_step,*list_thermo_energy;
int *list_initial_integrate_respa,*list_post_integrate_respa;
int *list_pre_force_respa,*list_post_force_respa;
int *list_final_integrate_respa;
int *list_min_pre_exchange,*list_min_pre_neighbor;
int *list_min_pre_force,*list_min_post_force;
int *list_min_energy;
int *end_of_step_every;
int n_timeflag; // list of computes that store time invocation
int *list_timeflag;
char **id_restart_global; // stored fix global info
char **style_restart_global; // from read-in restart file
char **state_restart_global;
char **id_restart_peratom; // stored fix peratom info
char **style_restart_peratom; // from read-in restart file
int *index_restart_peratom;
int index_permanent; // fix/compute index returned to library call
void list_init(int, int &, int *&);
void list_init_end_of_step(int, int &, int *&);
void list_init_thermo_energy(int, int &, int *&);
void list_init_compute();
inline void call_method_on_fixes(FixMethod method);
inline void call_method_on_fixes(FixMethod method, int *& ilist, int & inum);
inline void call_method_on_fixes(FixMethodWithVFlag method, int vflag);
inline void call_method_on_fixes(FixMethodWithVFlag method, int vflag, int *& ilist, int & inum);
inline void call_respa_method_on_fixes(FixMethodRESPA2 method, int arg1, int arg2, int *& ilist, int & inum);
inline void call_respa_method_on_fixes(FixMethodRESPA3 method, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int *& ilist, int & inum);
typedef Compute *(*ComputeCreator)(LAMMPS *, int, char **);
std::map<std::string,ComputeCreator> *compute_map;
typedef Fix *(*FixCreator)(LAMMPS *, int, char **);
std::map<std::string,FixCreator> *fix_map;
template <typename T> static Compute *compute_creator(LAMMPS *, int, char **);
template <typename T> static Fix *fix_creator(LAMMPS *, int, char **);
/* ERROR/WARNING messages:
W: One or more atoms are time integrated more than once
This is probably an error since you typically do not want to
advance the positions or velocities of an atom more than once
per timestep.
E: Illegal ... command
Self-explanatory. Check the input script syntax and compare to the
documentation for the command. You can use -echo screen as a
command-line option when running LAMMPS to see the offending line.
E: Fix command before simulation box is defined
The fix command cannot be used before a read_data, read_restart, or
create_box command.
E: Could not find fix group ID
A group ID used in the fix command does not exist.
E: Replacing a fix, but new style != old style
A fix ID can be used a 2nd time, but only if the style matches the
previous fix. In this case it is assumed you with to reset a fix's
parameters. This error may mean you are mistakenly re-using a fix ID
when you do not intend to.
W: Replacing a fix, but new group != old group
The ID and style of a fix match for a fix you are changing with a fix
command, but the new group you are specifying does not match the old
E: Invalid fix style
The choice of fix style is unknown.
E: Could not find fix_modify ID
A fix ID used in the fix_modify command does not exist.
E: Could not find fix ID to delete
E: Reuse of compute ID
A compute ID cannot be used twice.
E: Invalid compute style
E: Could not find compute_modify ID
E: Could not find compute ID to delete