/usr/include/dcmtk/dcmpstat/dvpsibl.h is in libdcmtk2-dev 3.6.0-15+deb8u1.
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* Copyright (C) 1998-2010, OFFIS e.V.
* All rights reserved. See COPYRIGHT file for details.
* This software and supporting documentation were developed by
* OFFIS e.V.
* R&D Division Health
* Escherweg 2
* D-26121 Oldenburg, Germany
* Module: dcmpstat
* Author: Marco Eichelberg
* Purpose:
* classes: DVPSImageBoxContent_PList
* Last Update: $Author: joergr $
* Update Date: $Date: 2010-10-14 13:16:36 $
* CVS/RCS Revision: $Revision: 1.28 $
* Status: $State: Exp $
* CVS/RCS Log at end of file
#ifndef DVPSIBL_H
#define DVPSIBL_H
#include "dcmtk/config/osconfig.h" /* make sure OS specific configuration is included first */
#include "dcmtk/dcmdata/dcitem.h"
#include "dcmtk/dcmpstat/dvpstyp.h" /* for enum types */
#include "dcmtk/dcmdata/dcvrui.h"
class DVPSImageBoxContent;
class DVPSPresentationLUT_PList;
/** the list of Image Boxes contained in a stored print object.
* This class manages the data structures comprising one complete
* Image Box Content Sequence in a Stored Print object.
class DVPSImageBoxContent_PList
/// default constructor
/// copy constructor
DVPSImageBoxContent_PList(const DVPSImageBoxContent_PList& copy);
/** clone method.
* @return a pointer to a new DVPSImageBoxContent_PList object containing
* a deep copy of this object.
DVPSImageBoxContent_PList *clone() { return new DVPSImageBoxContent_PList(*this); }
/// destructor
virtual ~DVPSImageBoxContent_PList();
/** reads a list of image boxes (ImageBoxContentSequence) from a DICOM dataset.
* The DICOM elements of the image boxes are copied from the dataset to this object.
* The completeness of all items (presence of all required elements,
* value multiplicity) is checked.
* If this method returns an error code, the object is in undefined state afterwards.
* @param dset the DICOM dataset from which the sequence is to be read
* @param presentationLUTList list of presentation LUTs which may be referenced
* @return EC_Normal if successful, an error code otherwise.
OFCondition read(DcmItem &dset, DVPSPresentationLUT_PList& presentationLUTList);
/** writes the list of image boxes managed by this object to a DICOM dataset.
* Copies of the DICOM element managed by this object are inserted into
* the DICOM dataset.
* @param dset the DICOM dataset to which the ImageBoxContentSequence is written
* @param writeRequestedImageSize if false, the Requested Image Size attributes are not written,
* e.g. because they are not supported by the target printer.
* @param numItems the number of items (from the beginning of the list) to be written.
* Default: all items are written.
* @param ignoreEmptyImages if true, all image boxes without image box position are ignored
* when writing.
* @param writeReferencedPLUTSQ if false, the Referenced Presentation LUT Sequence is not written,
* e.g. because a "general" presentation LUT is used instead of those referenced by the image boxes.
* @return EC_Normal if successful, an error code otherwise.
OFCondition write(
DcmItem &dset,
OFBool writeRequestedImageSize,
size_t numItems,
OFBool ignoreEmptyImages,
OFBool writeReferencedPLUTSQ = OFTrue);
/** reset the object to initial state.
* After this call, the object is in the same state as after
* creation with the default constructor.
void clear();
/** gets the number of image boxes in this list.
* @return the number of image boxes.
size_t size() const { return list_.size(); }
/** create default values for all missing type 1 elements.
* Called before a stored print object is written.
* @param renumber if true, new imageBoxPosition values are created
* @param ignoreEmptyImages if true, an empty image box position does not cause an error.
* @return EC_Normal if successful, an error code otherwise.
OFCondition createDefaultValues(OFBool renumber, OFBool ignoreEmptyImages);
/** adds all image SOP classes referenced in the image box list to
* the given sequence. Duplicate entries are suppressed.
* @param seq sequence to be added to, should be a PrintManagementCapabilitiesSequence.
* @param numItems number of items of this list to be taken into account.
* Default: all items.
* @return EC_Normal if successful, an error code otherwise.
OFCondition addImageSOPClasses(DcmSequenceOfItems& seq, size_t numItems=0);
/** creates a new image box object and sets the content of this image box object.
* @param instanceuid SOP instance UID of this image box
* @param retrieveaetitle retrieve AETITLE of the referenced image
* @param refstudyuid study instance UID of the referenced image
* @param refseriesuid series instance UID of the referenced image
* @param refsopclassuid SOP class UID of the referenced image
* @param refsopinstanceuid SOP instance UID of the referenced image
* @param requestedimagesize requested images size for this image, default: absent
* @param patientid patient ID for the referenced image, default: absent
* @return EC_Normal if successful, an error code otherwise.
OFCondition addImageBox(
const char *instanceuid,
const char *retrieveaetitle,
const char *refstudyuid,
const char *refseriesuid,
const char *refsopclassuid,
const char *refsopinstanceuid,
const char *requestedimagesize,
const char *patientid,
const char *presentationlutuid);
/** adds the given image box object to the list managed by this object.
* @param box image box object to be added.
* @return EC_Normal if successful, an error code otherwise.
OFCondition addImageBox(DVPSImageBoxContent *box);
/** sets the (optional) requested decimate/crop behaviour
* for all image boxes managed by this object.
* @param value new enumerated value. The caller is responsible for
* making sure that the selected printer supports decimate/crop
* if a non-default value is set.
* @return EC_Normal if successful, an error code otherwise.
OFCondition setRequestedDecimateCropBehaviour(DVPSDecimateCropBehaviour value);
/** deletes one of the registered images.
* @param idx index, must be < size()
* @return EC_Normal if successful, an error code otherwise.
OFCondition deleteImage(size_t idx);
/** deletes multiple of the registered images, starting with the first one.
* @param number number of images to delete, must be <= size()
* @return EC_Normal if successful, an error code otherwise.
OFCondition deleteMultipleImages(size_t number);
/** checks if one of the registered images has additional settings that are not
* default values on the image box level.
* @param idx index, must be < getNumberOfImages()
* @return EC_Normal if successful, an error code otherwise.
OFBool imageHasAdditionalSettings(size_t idx);
/** sets the polarity for the given registered image box.
* @param idx index, must be < getNumberOfImages()
* @param value new attribute value (NORMAL or REVERSE), may be NULL.
* @return EC_Normal if successful, an error code otherwise.
OFCondition setImagePolarity(size_t idx, const char *value);
/** sets the requested size for the given registered image box.
* @param idx index, must be < getNumberOfImages()
* @param value new attribute value, may be NULL.
* @return EC_Normal if successful, an error code otherwise.
OFCondition setImageRequestedSize(size_t idx, const char *value);
/** sets the (optional) magnification type for the given registered image box.
* @param idx index, must be < getNumberOfImages()
* @param value new attribute value, may be NULL.
* The caller is responsible for making sure
* that the value is valid for the selected printer.
* @return EC_Normal if successful, an error code otherwise.
OFCondition setImageMagnificationType(size_t idx, const char *value);
/** sets the (optional) smoothing type for the given registered image box.
* @param idx index, must be < getNumberOfImages()
* @param value new attribute value, may be NULL.
* The caller is responsible for making sure
* that the value is valid for the selected printer.
* @return EC_Normal if successful, an error code otherwise.
OFCondition setImageSmoothingType(size_t idx, const char *value);
/** sets the (optional) configuration information for the given registered image box.
* @param idx index, must be < getNumberOfImages()
* @param value new attribute value, may be NULL.
* The caller is responsible for making sure
* that the value is valid for the selected printer.
* @return EC_Normal if successful, an error code otherwise.
OFCondition setImageConfigurationInformation(size_t idx, const char *value);
/** sets the SOP instance UID for the given image box.
* @param idx index, must be < getNumberOfImages()
* @param value new attribute value, must not be NULL.
* @return EC_Normal if successful, an error code otherwise.
OFCondition setImageSOPInstanceUID(size_t idx, const char *value);
/** sets magnification type, smoothing type and configuration information back to default
* for all registered images.
* @return EC_Normal if successful, an error code otherwise.
OFCondition setAllImagesToDefault();
/** gets the polarity for the given registered image box.
* @param idx index, must be < getNumberOfImages()
* @return polarity, may be NULL.
const char *getImagePolarity(size_t idx);
/** gets the requested size for the given registered image box.
* @param idx index, must be < getNumberOfImages()
* @return requested size, may be NULL.
const char *getImageRequestedSize(size_t idx);
/** gets the (optional) magnification type for the given registered image box.
* @param idx index, must be < getNumberOfImages()
* @return magnification type, may be NULL.
const char *getImageMagnificationType(size_t idx);
/** gets the (optional) smoothing type for the given registered image box.
* @param idx index, must be < getNumberOfImages()
* @return smoothing type, may be NULL.
const char *getImageSmoothingType(size_t idx);
/** gets the (optional) configuration information for the given registered image box.
* @param idx index, must be < getNumberOfImages()
* @return configuration information, may be NULL.
const char *getImageConfigurationInformation(size_t idx);
/** gets the current SOP Instance UID for the given registered image box..
* @param idx index, must be < getNumberOfImages()
* @return SOP Instance UID, may be NULL.
const char *getSOPInstanceUID(size_t idx);
/** gets the referenced Presentation LUT SOP Instance UID for the given registered image box..
* @param idx index, must be < getNumberOfImages()
* @return SOP Instance UID, may be NULL.
const char *getReferencedPresentationLUTInstanceUID(size_t idx);
/** returns the image UIDs that are required to look up the referenced image in the database
* @param idx index, must be < getNumberOfImages()
* @param studyUID Study UID of the image
* @param seriesUID series UID of the image
* @param instanceUID instance UID of the image
* @return EC_Normal if successful, an error code otherwise.
OFCondition getImageReference(size_t idx, const char *&studyUID, const char *&seriesUID, const char *&instanceUID);
/** writes the attributes managed by the referenced object that are part of a
* basic grayscale image box N-SET request into the DICOM dataset.
* Copies of the DICOM element managed by this object are inserted into
* the DICOM dataset.
* @param idx index, must be < getNumberOfImages()
* @param dset the dataset to which the data is written
* @return EC_Normal if successful, an error code otherwise.
OFCondition prepareBasicImageBox(size_t idx, DcmItem &dset);
/** checks whether the given SOP instance UID is used as
* referenced Presentation LUT SOP Instance UID inside the list of
* image boxes managed by this object.
* @param uid name of UID
* @return OFTrue if UID is used, OFFalse otherwise.
OFBool presentationLUTInstanceUIDisUsed(const char *uid);
/** if only one Presentation LUT is required to render all images
* managed by this object, returns the UID of this presentation LUT.
* Otherwise returns NULL.
* @param filmBox UID of Presentation LUT specified on Film Box
* level. May be NULL or empty string if absent.
* @return UID of Presentation LUT if found, NULL or empty string otherwise.
const char *haveSinglePresentationLUTUsed(const char *filmBox);
/** creates a number of image boxes as part of a Print SCP N-CREATE operation.
* The previous content of the list is deleted.
* @param numBoxes number of boxes to be created
* @param studyUID study instance UID under which Hardcopy Grayscale images will be saved
* @param seriesUID series instance UID under which Hardcopy Grayscale images will be saved
* @param aetitle retrieve AE title for Hardcopy Grayscale images
* @return OFTrue if successful, OFFalse otherwise.
OFBool printSCPCreate(
unsigned long numBoxes,
DcmUniqueIdentifier& studyUID,
DcmUniqueIdentifier& seriesUID,
const char *aetitle);
/** writes a Referenced Image Box Sequence for the image boxes
* managed by this object. Used in a Print SCP N-CREATE operation.
* @param dset the dataset to which the data is written
* @return EC_Normal if successful, an error code otherwise.
OFCondition writeReferencedImageBoxSQ(DcmItem &dset);
/** checks whether the given Presentation LUT type could be used together
* with all image boxes in this list on a Print SCP that requires a matching
* alignment between a Presentation LUT and the image pixel data.
* @param align LUT alignment type
* @return OFTrue if matching, OFFalse otherwise
OFBool matchesPresentationLUT(DVPSPrintPresentationLUTAlignment align) const;
/** looks up the image box with the given SOP instance UID in this list
* and returns a pointer to a new object containing a copy of this
* image box. If the object is not found, NULL is returned.
* @param uid SOP instance UID of the image box to be looked up
* @return pointer to copied image box object, may be NULL.
DVPSImageBoxContent *duplicateImageBox(const char *uid);
/** checks whether any of the image boxes managed by this list
* has the same position as the given one, but a different
* SOP instance UID. This is used during an Print SCP N-SET operation
* to check whether a position clash exists.
* @param uid SOP instance UID of the image box to be looked up
* @param position image position to be looked up
OFBool haveImagePositionClash(const char *uid, Uint16 position);
/** adds the given image box object to this list. Any other object existing
* in the list with the same SOP instance UID is removed.
* Used during a Print SCP image box N-SET operation.
* @param newImageBox new image box object to be added to the list.
void replace(DVPSImageBoxContent *newImageBox);
/** checks whether any of the image boxes has an image box position
* assigned. If no image box position is assigned, the object list
* cannot be written and a Print SCP should return a warning
* status upon receipt of an N-ACTION request.
* @return OFTrue if empty page (no image box position assigned), OFFalse otherwise.
OFBool emptyPageWarning();
/** private undefined assignment operator
DVPSImageBoxContent_PList& operator=(const DVPSImageBoxContent_PList&);
/** returns a pointer to the image box with the given
* index or NULL if it does not exist.
* @param idx index, must be < size()
* @return pointer to image box object or NULL
DVPSImageBoxContent *getImageBox(size_t idx);
/** the list maintained by this object
OFList<DVPSImageBoxContent *> list_;
* $Log: dvpsibl.h,v $
* Revision 1.28 2010-10-14 13:16:36 joergr
* Updated copyright header. Added reference to COPYRIGHT file.
* Revision 1.27 2010-10-07 14:31:36 joergr
* Removed leading underscore characters from preprocessor symbols (reserved).
* Revision 1.26 2010-03-01 09:08:49 uli
* Removed some unnecessary include directives in the headers.
* Revision 1.25 2009-11-24 14:12:57 uli
* Switched to logging mechanism provided by the "new" oflog module.
* Revision 1.24 2009-09-30 10:42:38 uli
* Make dcmpstat's include headers self-sufficient by including all
* needed headers directly and stop using dctk.h
* Revision 1.23 2005-12-08 16:03:51 meichel
* Changed include path schema for all DCMTK header files
* Revision 1.22 2003/06/04 10:18:06 meichel
* Replaced private inheritance from template with aggregation
* Revision 1.21 2001/09/26 15:36:13 meichel
* Adapted dcmpstat to class OFCondition
* Revision 1.20 2001/06/01 15:50:18 meichel
* Updated copyright header
* Revision 1.19 2000/07/04 15:58:02 joergr
* Added support for overriding the presentation LUT settings made for the
* image boxes.
* Revision 1.18 2000/06/14 11:28:14 joergr
* Added methods to access the attributes Polarity and Requested Image Size.
* Revision 1.17 2000/06/08 10:44:29 meichel
* Implemented Referenced Presentation LUT Sequence on Basic Film Session level.
* Empty film boxes (pages) are not written to file anymore.
* Revision 1.16 2000/06/07 14:17:41 joergr
* Added methods to access the image polarity attribute.
* Revision 1.15 2000/06/02 16:00:48 meichel
* Adapted all dcmpstat classes to use OFConsole for log and error output
* Revision 1.14 2000/05/31 12:56:39 meichel
* Added initial Print SCP support
* Revision 1.13 2000/03/08 16:28:53 meichel
* Updated copyright header.
* Revision 1.12 1999/10/19 14:46:03 meichel
* added support for the Basic Annotation Box SOP Class
* as well as access methods for Max Density and Min Density.
* Revision 1.11 1999/10/07 17:21:48 meichel
* Reworked management of Presentation LUTs in order to create tighter
* coupling between Softcopy and Print.
* Revision 1.10 1999/09/24 15:23:45 meichel
* Print spooler (dcmprtsv) now logs diagnostic messages in log files
* when operating in spool mode.
* Revision 1.9 1999/09/17 14:33:57 meichel
* Completed print spool functionality including Supplement 22 support
* Revision 1.8 1999/09/15 17:43:28 meichel
* Implemented print job dispatcher code for dcmpstat, adapted dcmprtsv
* and dcmpsprt applications.
* Revision 1.7 1999/09/10 12:46:47 meichel
* Added implementations for a number of print API methods.
* Revision 1.6 1999/09/09 14:57:33 thiel
* Added methods for print spooler
* Revision 1.5 1999/09/01 16:14:40 meichel
* Added support for requested image size to print routines
* Revision 1.4 1999/08/31 14:09:11 meichel
* Added get/set methods for stored print attributes
* Revision 1.3 1999/08/27 15:57:56 meichel
* Added methods for saving hardcopy images and stored print objects
* either in file or in the local database.
* Revision 1.2 1999/08/26 09:30:59 thiel
* Add extensions for the usage of the StoredPrint
* Revision 1.1 1999/07/30 13:34:48 meichel
* Added new classes managing Stored Print objects