/usr/share/ada/adainclude/aws/aws-net-ssl.ads is in libaws3.2.0-dev 3.2.0-3.
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-- Ada Web Server --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2002-2014, AdaCore --
-- --
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify --
-- it under terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the --
-- Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any --
-- later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be --
-- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and --
-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; --
-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see --
-- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. --
-- --
-- --
-- --
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-- --
-- --
-- --
pragma Ada_2012;
-- This is the SSL based implementation of the Net package. The implementation
-- should depend only on AWS.Net.Std and the SSL library. It is important to
-- not call directly a socket binding here to ease porting.
with Ada.Calendar;
with System;
with AWS.Net.Std;
with SSL.Thin;
package AWS.Net.SSL is
Socket_Error : exception renames Net.Socket_Error;
type Socket_Type is new Net.Std.Socket_Type with private;
type Session_Type is private;
-- To keep session data over plain socket reconnect
Null_Session : constant Session_Type;
Is_Supported : constant Boolean;
-- True if SSL supported in the current runtime
-- Initialize --
overriding procedure Accept_Socket
(Socket : Net.Socket_Type'Class; New_Socket : in out Socket_Type);
-- Accept a connection on a socket
overriding procedure Connect
(Socket : in out Socket_Type;
Host : String;
Port : Positive;
Wait : Boolean := True;
Family : Family_Type := Family_Unspec);
-- Connect a socket on a given host/port. If Wait is True Connect will wait
-- for the connection to be established for timeout seconds, specified by
-- Set_Timeout routine. If Wait is False Connect will return immediately,
-- not waiting for the connection to be establised and it does not make the
-- SSL handshake. It is possible to wait for the Connection completion by
-- calling Wait routine with Output set to True in Events parameter.
overriding procedure Socket_Pair (S1, S2 : out Socket_Type);
-- Create 2 sockets and connect them together
overriding procedure Shutdown
(Socket : Socket_Type; How : Shutmode_Type := Shut_Read_Write);
-- Shutdown the read, write or both side of the socket.
-- If How is Both, close it. Does not raise Socket_Error if the socket is
-- not connected or already shutdown.
-- IO --
overriding procedure Send
(Socket : Socket_Type;
Data : Stream_Element_Array;
Last : out Stream_Element_Offset);
overriding procedure Receive
(Socket : Socket_Type;
Data : out Stream_Element_Array;
Last : out Stream_Element_Offset)
with Inline;
overriding function Pending
(Socket : Socket_Type) return Stream_Element_Count;
-- Returns the number of bytes which are available inside socket
-- for immediate read.
-- Initialization --
type Method is
(SSLv23, SSLv23_Server, SSLv23_Client,
TLSv1, TLSv1_Server, TLSv1_Client,
SSLv3, SSLv3_Server, SSLv3_Client);
type Config is private;
Null_Config : constant Config;
procedure Initialize
(Config : in out SSL.Config;
Certificate_Filename : String;
Security_Mode : Method := SSLv23;
Priorities : String := "";
Ticket_Support : Boolean := False;
Key_Filename : String := "";
Exchange_Certificate : Boolean := False;
Certificate_Required : Boolean := False;
Trusted_CA_Filename : String := "";
CRL_Filename : String := "";
Session_Cache_Size : Positive := 16#4000#);
-- Initialize the SSL layer into Config. Certificate_Filename must point
-- to a valid certificate. Security mode can be used to change the
-- security method used by AWS. Key_Filename must be specified if the key
-- is not in the same file as the certificate. The Config object can be
-- associated with all secure sockets sharing the same options. If
-- Exchange_Certificate is True the client will send its certificate to
-- the server, if False only the server will send its certificate.
procedure Initialize_Default_Config
(Certificate_Filename : String;
Security_Mode : Method := SSLv23;
Priorities : String := "";
Ticket_Support : Boolean := False;
Key_Filename : String := "";
Exchange_Certificate : Boolean := False;
Certificate_Required : Boolean := False;
Trusted_CA_Filename : String := "";
CRL_Filename : String := "";
Session_Cache_Size : Positive := 16#4000#);
-- As above but for the default SSL configuration which is will be used
-- for any socket not setting explicitly an SSL config object. Not that
-- this routine can only be called once. Subsequent calls are no-op. To
-- be effective it must be called before any SSL socket is created.
procedure Release (Config : in out SSL.Config);
-- Release memory associated with the Config object
procedure Set_Config
(Socket : in out Socket_Type; Config : SSL.Config);
-- Set the SSL configuration object for the secure socket
function Get_Config (Socket : Socket_Type) return SSL.Config with Inline;
-- Get the SSL configuration object of the secure socket
function Secure_Client
(Socket : Net.Socket_Type'Class;
Config : SSL.Config := Null_Config) return Socket_Type;
-- Make client side SSL connection from plain socket.
-- SSL handshake does not performed. SSL handshake would be made
-- automatically on first Read/Write, or explicitly by the Do_Handshake
-- call. Do not free or close source socket after this call.
function Secure_Server
(Socket : Net.Socket_Type'Class;
Config : SSL.Config := Null_Config) return Socket_Type;
-- Make server side SSL connection from plain socket.
-- SSL handshake does not performed. SSL handshake would be made
-- automatically on first Read/Write, or explicitly by the Do_Handshake
-- call. Do not free or close source socket after this call.
procedure Do_Handshake (Socket : in out Socket_Type);
-- Wait for a SSL/TLS handshake to take place. You need to call this
-- routine if you have converted a standard socket to secure one and need
-- to get the peer certificate.
function Version (Build_Info : Boolean := False) return String;
-- Returns version information
procedure Clear_Session_Cache (Config : SSL.Config := Null_Config);
-- Remove all sessions from SSL session cache from the SSL context.
-- Null_Config mean default context.
procedure Set_Session_Cache_Size
(Size : Natural; Config : SSL.Config := Null_Config);
-- Set session cache size in the SSL context.
-- Null_Config mean default context.
function Session_Cache_Number
(Config : SSL.Config := Null_Config) return Natural;
-- Returns number of sessions currently in the cache.
-- Null_Config mean default context.
overriding function Cipher_Description (Socket : Socket_Type) return String;
procedure Ciphers (Cipher : access procedure (Name : String));
-- Calls callback Cipher for all available ciphers
procedure Generate_DH;
-- Regenerates Diffie-Hellman parameters.
-- The call could take a quite long time.
-- Diffie-Hellman parameters should be discarded and regenerated once a
-- week or once a month. Depends on the security requirements.
-- (gnutls/src/serv.c).
procedure Generate_RSA;
-- Regenerates RSA parameters.
-- The call could take some time.
-- RSA parameters should be discarded and regenerated once a day, once
-- every 500 transactions etc. Depends on the security requirements
-- (gnutls/src/serv.c).
procedure Abort_DH_Generation with Inline;
-- DH generation could be for a few minutes. If it is really necessary to
-- terminate process faster, this call should be used.
-- GNUTLS generates DH parameters much faster than OpenSSL, at least in
-- Linux x86_64 and does not support DH generation abort at least in
-- version 3.2.12.
procedure Start_Parameters_Generation
(DH : Boolean; Logging : access procedure (Text : String) := null)
with Inline;
-- Start SSL parameters regeneration in background.
-- DH is False mean only RSA parameters generated.
-- DH is True mean RSA and DH both parameters generated.
function Generated_Time_DH return Ada.Calendar.Time with Inline;
-- Returns date and time when the DH parameters was generated last time.
-- Need to decide when new regeneration would start.
function Generated_Time_RSA return Ada.Calendar.Time with Inline;
-- Returns date and time when the RSA parameters was generated last time.
-- Need to decide when new regeneration would start.
procedure Set_Debug (Level : Natural);
-- Set debug information printed level
function Session_Id_Image (Session : Session_Type) return String;
-- Returns base64 encoded session id. Could be used to recognize resumed
-- session when it has the same Id.
function Session_Id_Image (Socket : Socket_Type) return String;
-- Returns base64 encoded session id of the socket
function Session_Data (Socket : Socket_Type) return Session_Type;
-- For the client side SSL socket returns session data to be used to
-- resume session after socket disconnected.
procedure Free (Session : in out Session_Type);
-- Free session data
procedure Set_Session_Data
(Socket : in out Socket_Type; Data : Session_Type);
-- For the client side SSL socket try to resume session from data taken
-- from previosly connected socket by Session_Data routine.
function Session_Reused (Socket : Socket_Type) return Boolean;
-- Returns True in case session was successfully reused after
-- Set_Session_Data and handshake.
package TSSL renames Standard.SSL.Thin;
Is_Supported : constant Boolean := Integer (TSSL.SSLeay) /= 0;
Shutdown_Read_Timeout : constant Duration := 0.25;
subtype SSL_Handle is TSSL.SSL_Handle;
type TS_SSL;
type Session_Type is access all TSSL.Session_Record;
Null_Session : constant Session_Type := null;
type Config is access all TS_SSL;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (Config);
Null_Config : constant Config := null;
type Socket_Type is new Net.Std.Socket_Type with record
Config : SSL.Config := Null_Config;
SSL : aliased SSL_Handle := TSSL.Null_Handle;
Sessn : Session_Type; -- Put client session before next connect
IO : TSSL.BIO_Access;
end record;
overriding procedure Free (Socket : in out Socket_Type);
-- Release memory associated with the socket object
procedure Set_Verify_Callback
(Config : in out SSL.Config; Callback : System.Address);
-- Record verify callback address into the SSL config
procedure Log_Error (Text : String);
-- Log error into Net error log
DH_Lock : Utils.Test_And_Set;
RSA_Lock : Utils.Test_And_Set;
type Time_Index is mod 2;
DH_Time : array (Time_Index) of Ada.Calendar.Time :=
(0 => Utils.AWS_Epoch, 1 => <>);
RSA_Time : array (Time_Index) of Ada.Calendar.Time :=
(0 => Utils.AWS_Epoch, 1 => <>);
-- Ada.Calendar.Time could not be Atomic in 32 bit platforms. Use Atomic
-- index instead.
DH_Time_Idx : Time_Index := 0 with Atomic;
RSA_Time_Idx : Time_Index := 0 with Atomic;
Abort_DH_Flag : Boolean := False with Atomic;
function Generated_Time_RSA return Ada.Calendar.Time is
(RSA_Time (RSA_Time_Idx));
function Generated_Time_DH return Ada.Calendar.Time is
(DH_Time (DH_Time_Idx));
function Get_Config (Socket : Socket_Type) return SSL.Config is
end AWS.Net.SSL;