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// = NounUtils =
// A library of noun related utilities.
// {{{CmdUtils}}} inherits them all.
var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["NounUtils"];
var NounUtils = {};
for each (let f in this) if (typeof f === "function") NounUtils[f.name] = f;
delete NounUtils.QueryInterface;
// === {{{ NounUtils.NounType(label, expected, defaults) }}} ===
// Constructor of a noun type that accepts a specific set of inputs.
// See {{{NounType._from*}}} methods for details
// (but do not use them directly).
// {{{label}}} is an optional string specifying default label of the nountype.
// {{{expected}}} is the instance of {{{Array}}}, {{{Object}}} or {{{RegExp}}}.
// The array can optionally be a space-separeted string.
// {{{defaults}}} is an optional array or space-separated string
// of default inputs.
function NounType(label, expected, defaults) {
if (!(this instanceof NounType))
return new NounType(label, expected, defaults);
if (typeof label !== "string")
[label, expected, defaults] = ["?", label, expected];
if (typeof expected.suggest === "function") return expected;
function maybe_qw(o) typeof o === "string" ? o.match(/\S+/g) || [] : o;
expected = maybe_qw(expected);
defaults = maybe_qw(defaults);
var maker = NounType["_from" + Utils.classOf(expected)];
for (let [k, v] in new Iterator(maker(expected))) this[k] = v;
this.suggest = maker.suggest;
this.label = label;
this.noExternalCalls = true;
this.cacheTime = -1;
if (this.id) this.id += Utils.computeCryptoHash("MD5", (uneval(expected) +
if (defaults) {
// [[a], [b, c], ...] => [a].concat([b, c], ...) => [a, b, c, ...]
this.default =
Array.concat.apply(0, [this.suggest(d) for each (d in defaults)]);
// ** {{{ NounUtils.NounType._fromArray(words) }}} **
// Creates a noun type that accepts a finite list of specific words
// as the only valid inputs. Those words will be suggested as {{{text}}}s.
// {{{words}}} is the array of words.
NounType._fromArray = function NT_Array(words)({
id: "#na_",
name: words.slice(0, 2) + (words.length > 2 ? ",..." : ""),
_list: [makeSugg(w) for each (w in words)],
// ** {{{ NounUtils.NounType._fromObject(dict) }}} **
// Creates a noun type from the given key:value pairs, the key being
// the {{{text}}} attribute of its suggest and the value {{{data}}}.
// {{{dict}}} is the object of text:data pairs.
NounType._fromObject = function NT_Object(dict) {
var list = [makeSugg(key, null, dict[key]) for (key in dict)];
return {
name: ([s.text for each (s in list.slice(0, 2))] +
(list.length > 2 ? ",..." : "")),
_list: list,
NounType._fromArray.suggest = NounType._fromObject.suggest = (
function NT_suggest(text) grepSuggs(text, this._list));
// ** {{{ NounUtils.NounType._fromRegExp(regexp) }}} **
// Creates a noun type from the given regular expression object
// and returns it. The {{{data}}} attribute of the noun type is
// the {{{match}}} object resulting from the regular expression
// match.
// {{{regexp}}} is the RegExp object that checks inputs.
NounType._fromRegExp = function NT_RegExp(regexp) ({
id: "#nr_",
name: regexp + "",
rankLast: regexp.test(""),
_regexp: RegExp(
[ "g"[regexp.global - 1]
, "i"[regexp.ignoreCase - 1]
, "m"[regexp.multiline - 1]
, "y"[regexp.sticky - 1]
NounType._fromRegExp.suggest = function NT_RE_suggest(text, html, cb,
selectionIndices) {
var match = text.match(this._regexp);
if (!match) return [];
// ToDo: how to score global match
var score = "index" in match ? matchScore(match) : 1;
return [makeSugg(text, html, match, score, selectionIndices)];
// === {{{ NounUtils.matchScore(match) }}} ===
// Calculates the score for use in suggestions from
// a result array ({{{match}}}) of {{{RegExp#exec}}}.
const SCORE_BASE = 0.3;
const SCORE_LENGTH = 0.25;
function matchScore(match) {
var inLen = match.input.length;
return (SCORE_BASE +
SCORE_LENGTH * Math.sqrt(match[0].length / inLen) +
SCORE_INDEX * (1 - match.index / inLen));
// === {{{NounUtils.makeSugg(text, html, data, score, selectionIndices)}}} ===
// Creates a suggestion object, filling in {{{text}}} and {{{html}}} if missing
// and constructing {{{summary}}} from {{{text}}} and {{{selectionIndices}}}.
// At least one of {{{text}}}, {{{html}}} or {{{data}}} is required.
// {{{text}}} can be any string.
// {{{html}}} must be a valid HTML string.
// {{{data}}} can be any value.
// {{{score}}} is an optional float number representing
// the score of the suggestion. Defaults to {{{1.0}}}.
// {{{selectionIndices}}} is an optional array containing the start and end
// indices of selection within {{{text}}}.
function makeSugg(text, html, data, score, selectionIndices) {
if (text == null && html == null && arguments.length < 3)
// all inputs empty! There is no suggestion to be made.
return null;
// Shift the argument if appropriate:
if (typeof score === "object") {
selectionIndices = score;
score = null;
// Fill in missing fields however we can:
if (text != null) text += "";
if (html != null) html += "";
if (!text && data != null)
text = data.toString();
if (!html && text >= "")
html = Utils.escapeHtml(text);
if (!text && html >= "")
text = html.replace(/<[^>]*>/g, "");
// Create a summary of the text:
var snippetLength = 35;
var summary = (text.length > snippetLength
? text.slice(0, snippetLength - 1) + "\u2026"
: text);
// If the input comes all or in part from a text selection,
// we'll stick some html tags into the summary so that the part
// that comes from the text selection can be visually marked in
// the suggestion list.
var [start, end] = selectionIndices || 0;
summary = (
start < end
? (Utils.escapeHtml(summary.slice(0, start)) +
"<span class='selection'>" +
Utils.escapeHtml(summary.slice(start, end)) +
"</span>" +
: Utils.escapeHtml(summary));
return {
text: text, html: html, data: data,
summary: summary, score: score || 1};
// === {{{ NounUtils.grepSuggs(input, suggs, key) }}} ===
// A helper function to grep a list of suggestion objects by user input.
// Returns an array of filtered suggetions, each of them assigned {{{score}}}
// calculated by {{{NounUtils.matchScore()}}}.
// {{{input}}} is a string that filters the list.
// {{{suggs}}} is an array or dictionary of suggestion objects.
// {{{key}}} is an optional string to specify the target property
// to match with. Defaults to {{{"text"}}}.
function grepSuggs(input, suggs, key) {
if (!input) return [];
if (key == null) key = "text";
var re = Utils.regexp(input, "i"), match;
return ([(sugg.score = matchScore(match), sugg)
for each (sugg in suggs) if ((match = re.exec(sugg[key])))]
function byScoreDescending(a, b) b.score - a.score;
// === {{{ NounUtils.mixNouns(label, nouns) }}} ===
// Creates a noun by combining two or more nouns.
// {{{label}}} is an optional string specifying the created noun's label.
// {{{nouns}}} is the array of nouns.
function mixNouns(label) {
var gotLabel = typeof label === "string";
var nouns = gotLabel ? arguments[1] : label;
if (!Utils.isArray(nouns))
nouns = Array.slice(arguments, gotLabel ? 1 : 0);
function mixer(key) function suggestMixed() {
var val, suggsList = [
typeof val === "function" ? val.apply(noun, arguments) : val
for each (noun in nouns) if ((val = noun[key])) ];
return suggsList.concat.apply([], suggsList); // flatten
return {
label: gotLabel ? label : [n.label || "?" for each (n in nouns)].join("|"),
rankLast: nouns.some(function (n) n.rankLast),
noExternalCalls: nouns.every(function (n) n.noExternalCalls),
suggest: mixer("suggest"),
default: nouns.some(function (n) "default" in n) && mixer("default"),