/usr/share/perl5/LaTeXML/Util/Test.pm is in latexml 0.8.0-1.
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use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use LaTeXML::Util::Pathname;
use JSON::XS;
use FindBin;
use File::Copy;
use File::Which;
use File::Spec::Functions;
use base qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = (qw(latexml_ok is_xmlcontent is_filecontent is_strings skip_all
my $kpsewhich = which($ENV{LATEXML_KPSEWHICH} || 'kpsewhich'); # [CONFIGURATION]
# Note that this is a singlet; the same Builder is shared.
# Test the conversion of all *.tex files in the given directory (typically t/something)
# Skip any that have no corresponding *.xml file.
sub latexml_tests {
my ($directory, %options) = @_;
my $DIR;
if (!opendir($DIR, $directory)) {
# Can't read directory? Fail (assumed single) test.
return do_fail($directory, "Couldn't read directory $directory:$!"); }
else {
my @dir_contents = sort readdir($DIR);
my $t;
my @core_tests = map { (($t = $_) =~ s/\.tex$// ? ($t) : ()); } @dir_contents;
my @daemon_tests = map { (($t = $_) =~ s/\.spec$// ? ($t) : ()); } @dir_contents;
if (eval { use_ok("LaTeXML::Core"); }) {
my $requires = $options{requires} || {}; # normally a hash: test=>[files...]
if (!ref $requires) { # scalar== filename required by ALL
check_requirements("$directory/", $requires); # may SKIP:
$requires = {}; } # but turn to normal, empty set
elsif ($$requires{'*'}) {
check_requirements("$directory/", $$requires{'*'}); }
foreach my $name (@core_tests) {
my $test = "$directory/$name";
skip("No file $test.xml", 1) unless (-f "$test.xml");
next unless check_requirements($test, $$requires{$name});
latexml_ok("$test.tex", "$test.xml", $test); } }
foreach my $name (@daemon_tests) {
my $test = "$directory/$name";
skip("No file $test.xml and/or $$test.status", 1)
unless ((-f "$test.xml") && (-f "$test.status"));
next unless check_requirements($test, $$requires{$name});
daemon_ok($test, $directory, $options{generate});
} } } }
else {
skip_all("Couldn't load LaTeXML"); } }
return done_testing(); }
sub check_requirements {
my ($test, $reqmts) = @_;
foreach my $reqmt (!$reqmts ? () : (ref $reqmts ? @$reqmts : $reqmts)) {
if (($kpsewhich && (`"$kpsewhich" $reqmt`)) || (pathname_find($reqmt))) { }
else {
my $message = "Missing requirement $reqmt for $test";
diag("Skip: $message");
skip($message, 1);
return 0; } }
return 1; }
sub do_fail {
my ($name, $diag) = @_;
my $ok = ok(0, $name);
return $ok; }
# Would like to evolve a sensible XML comparison.
# This is a start...
# NOTE: This assumes you will have successfully loaded LaTeXML.
sub latexml_ok {
my ($texpath, $xmlpath, $name) = @_;
my @paths = ($texpath =~ m|^(.+)/\w+\.tex$| ? ($1) : ());
my $latexml = eval { LaTeXML::Core->new(preload => [], searchpaths => [], includeComments => 0,
verbosity => -2); };
return do_fail($name, "Couldn't instanciate LaTeXML: " . @!) unless $latexml;
my $dom = eval { $latexml->convertFile($texpath); };
return do_fail($name, "Couldn't convert $texpath: " . @!) unless $dom;
return is_xmlcontent($latexml, $dom, $xmlpath, $name); }
sub is_xmlcontent {
my ($latexml, $xmldom, $path, $name) = @_;
if (!defined $xmldom) {
return do_fail($name, "The XML DOM was undefined for $name"); }
else {
### eval { $domstring = $xmldom->toString(1); };
#### eval { $domstring = $xmldom->toStringC14N(0); };
# We want the DOM to be BOTH indented AND canonical!!
my $domstring =
eval { my $string = $xmldom->toString(1);
my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
$parser->parse_string($string)->toStringC14N(0); };
return do_fail($name, "Couldn't convert dom to string: " . @!) unless $domstring;
return is_xmlfilecontent([split('\n', $domstring)], $path, $name); } }
sub is_filecontent {
my ($strings, $path, $name) = @_;
# if(!open(IN,"<:utf8",$path)){
my $IN;
if (!open($IN, "<", $path)) {
return do_fail($name, "Could not open $path"); }
else {
my @lines;
{ local $\ = undef;
@lines = <$IN>; }
return is_strings($strings, [@lines], $name); } }
sub is_xmlfilecontent {
my ($strings, $path, $name) = @_;
my $domstring =
eval { my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
$parser->parse_file($path)->toStringC14N(0); };
return do_fail($name, "Could not open $path") unless $domstring;
return is_strings($strings, [split('\n', $domstring)], $name); }
sub is_strings {
my ($strings1, $strings2, $name) = @_;
my $max = $#$strings1 > $#$strings2 ? $#$strings1 : $#$strings2;
my $ok = 1;
for (my $i = 0 ; $i <= $max ; $i++) {
my $string1 = $$strings1[$i];
my $string2 = $$strings2[$i];
if (defined $string1) {
chomp($string1); }
else {
$ok = 0; $string1 = ""; }
if (defined $string2) {
chomp($string2); }
else {
$ok = 0; $string2 = ""; }
if (!$ok || ($string1 ne $string2)) {
return do_fail($name,
"Difference at line " . ($i + 1) . " for $name\n"
. " got : '$string1'\n"
. " expected : '$string2'\n"); } }
return ok(1, $name); }
sub daemon_ok {
my ($base, $dir, $generate) = @_;
my $current_dir = pathname_cwd();
my $localname = $base;
$localname =~ s/$dir\///;
my $opts = read_options("$base.spec", $base);
push @$opts, (['destination', "$localname.test.xml"],
['log', "/dev/null"],
['timeout', 5],
['autoflush', 1],
['timestamp', '0'],
['nodefaultresources', ''],
['xsltparameter', 'LATEXML_VERSION:TEST'],
['nocomments', '']);
my $invocation = catfile($FindBin::Bin, '..', 'blib', 'script', 'latexmlc') . ' ';
my $timed = undef;
foreach my $opt (@$opts) {
if ($$opt[0] eq 'timeout') { # Ensure .opt timeout takes precedence
if ($timed) { next; } else { $timed = 1; }
$invocation .= "--" . $$opt[0] . (length($$opt[1]) ? ('="' . $$opt[1] . '" ') : (' '));
$invocation .= " 2>$localname.test.status ";
if (!$generate) {
is(system($invocation), 0, "latexmlc invocation for test $localname");
is_filecontent(get_filecontent("$base.test.xml"), "$base.xml", $base);
is_filecontent(get_filecontent("$base.test.status"), "$base.status", $base);
unlink "$base.test.xml" if -e "$base.test.xml";
unlink "$base.test.status" if -e "$base.test.status";
else {
#TODO: Skip 3 tests
print STDERR "$invocation\n";
move("$base.test.xml", "$base.xml") if -e "$base.test.xml";
move("$base.test.status", "$base.status") if -e "$base.test.status";
return; }
sub read_options {
my ($optionfile, $testname) = @_;
my $opts = [];
my $OPT;
if (open($OPT, "<", $optionfile)) {
while (my $line = <$OPT>) {
next if $line =~ /^#/;
if ($line =~ /(\S+)\s*=\s*(.*)/) {
my ($key, $value) = ($1, $2 || '');
$value =~ s/\s+$//;
push @$opts, [$key, $value]; } }
close $OPT; }
else {
do_fail($testname, "Could not open $optionfile"); }
return $opts; }
sub get_filecontent {
my ($path, $testname) = @_;
my $IN;
my @lines;
if (-e $path) {
if (!open($IN, "<", $path)) {
do_fail($testname, "Could not open $path"); }
else {
{ local $\ = undef;
@lines = <$IN>; }
if (scalar(@lines)) {
$lines[-1] =~ s/\s+$//;
} else {
push @lines, '';
return \@lines; }
# TODO: Reconsider what else we need to test, ideas below:
# Tier 1.3: Math setups with embedding variations
# Tier 1.5:
# Tier 2: Preloads and preambles
# Tier 3: Autoflush and Timeouts
# Tier 4: Ports and local conversion
# Tier 5: Defaults and multi-job daemon processing
# 1. We need to test daemon in fragment mode with fragment tests, math mode with math tests and standard mode with standard tests. Essentially, this is all about having the right preambles.
# 2. We need to benchmark consecutive runs, to make sure the first run is slowest and the rest (3?5?) are not initializing.
# 2.1. Set a --autoflush to 2 , send 3 conversions and make sure the process pid's differ.
# 2.2. Make sure an infinite macro times out (set --timeout=3 for fast test)
# 2.3. Check if the server can be set up on all default ports.
# 3. Exhaustively test all possible option combinations - we need triples of option vector with a test case and XML result, or some sane setup of this nature.
# 4. Moreover, we should test the option logic by comparing input-output option hashes (again, exhaustively!)
# 5. We need to compare the final document, log and summary produced.