/usr/share/perl5/LaTeXML/Post/OpenMath.pm is in latexml 0.8.0-1.
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# | LaTeXML::Post::OpenMath | #
# | OpenMath generator for LaTeXML | #
# |=====================================================================| #
# | Part of LaTeXML: | #
# | Public domain software, produced as part of work done by the | #
# | United States Government & not subject to copyright in the US. | #
# |---------------------------------------------------------------------| #
# | Bruce Miller <bruce.miller@nist.gov> #_# | #
# | http://dlmf.nist.gov/LaTeXML/ (o o) | #
# \=========================================================ooo==U==ooo=/ #
# ================================================================================
# Scheme for mapping from LaTeXML's "meaning" => cd+name
# Unfortunately, OpenMath's naming scheme is unweildy, unless you are
# completely immersed in the OpenMath world. It is also incomplete in
# the sense that it doesn't cover nearly enough symbols that LaTeXML encounters.
# And, of course, many of those symbols are ambiguous!
# So, I think LaTeXML's naming scheme is a worthwhile one to pursue,
# but we DO need to provide a rich but customizable mapping, starting with stuff like:
# equals => arith1:eq
# ================================================================================
package LaTeXML::Post::OpenMath;
use strict;
use warnings;
use LaTeXML::Common::XML;
use LaTeXML::Post::MathML;
use LaTeXML::Post;
use base qw(LaTeXML::Post::MathProcessor);
use base qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = (
qw( &DefOpenMath ),
qw( &om_expr ),
my $omURI = "http://www.openmath.org/OpenMath"; # CONSTANT
sub preprocess {
my ($self, $doc, @nodes) = @_;
$$self{hackplane1} = 0 unless $$self{hackplane1};
$$self{plane1} = 1 if $$self{hackplane1} || !defined $$self{plane1};
$doc->adjust_latexml_doctype('OpenMath'); # Add OpenMath if LaTeXML dtd.
$doc->addNamespace($omURI, 'om');
return; }
sub outerWrapper {
my ($self, $doc, $math, $xmath, @conversion) = @_;
my $wrapped = ['om:OMOBJ', {}, @conversion];
if (my $id = $xmath->getAttribute('fragid')) {
$wrapped = $self->associateID($wrapped, $id); }
return ($wrapped); }
sub convertNode {
my ($self, $doc, $xmath, $style) = @_;
my ($item, @rest) = element_nodes($xmath);
if (@rest) { # Unparsed ???
Warn('unexpected', 'content', undef,
"Got extra nodes for math content:" . $xmath->toString) if @rest; }
return om_expr($item); }
sub combineParallel {
my ($self, $doc, $math, $xmath, $primary, @secondaries) = @_;
my $tex = isElementNode($math) && $math->getAttribute('tex');
my $id = $xmath->getAttribute('fragid');
# secondaries should already have been wrapped with m:annotaiton by innerWrapper
my @attr = ();
foreach my $pair (@secondaries) {
my ($proc, $secondary) = @$pair;
my $wrapped = ['om:OMFOREIGN', {}, $secondary];
$wrapped = $proc->associateID($wrapped, $id) if $id;
push(@attr, ['om:OMS', { cd => "Alternate", name => $proc->getEncodingName }], $wrapped); }
return (['om:OMATTR', {}, @attr,
($tex ? (['om:OMS', { cd => 'Alternate', name => 'TeX' }], ['om:OMFOREIGN', {}, $tex]) : ()),
$primary]); }
sub getQName {
my ($node) = @_;
return $LaTeXML::Post::DOCUMENT->getQName($node); }
sub getEncodingName {
return 'OpenMath'; }
sub rawIDSuffix {
return '.om'; }
# ================================================================================
# DANGER!!! Ths accumulate all the DefMathML declarations.
# They're fixed after the module has been loaded, so are Daemon Safe,
# but probably should be going into (post) STATE, so that they are extensible.
our $OMTable = {};
sub DefOpenMath {
my ($key, $sub) = @_;
$$OMTable{$key} = $sub;
return; }
sub om_expr {
my ($node) = @_;
my $result = om_expr_aux($node);
# map any ID here, as well, BUT, since we follow split/scan, use the fragid, not xml:id!
if (my $id = $node->getAttribute('fragid')) {
$$result[1]{'xml:id'} = $id . $LaTeXML::Post::MATHPROCESSOR->IDSuffix; }
return $result; }
# Is it clear that we should just getAttribute('role'),
# instead of the getOperatorRole like in MML?
sub om_expr_aux {
my ($node) = @_;
return OMError("Missing Subexpression") unless $node;
my $tag = getQName($node);
if (($tag eq 'ltx:XMath') || ($tag eq 'ltx:XMWrap')) {
my ($item, @rest) = element_nodes($node);
Warn('unexpected', 'content', undef,
"Got extra nodes for content: " . $node->toString) if @rest;
return om_expr($item); }
elsif ($tag eq 'ltx:XMDual') {
my ($content, $presentation) = element_nodes($node);
return om_expr($content); }
elsif ($tag eq 'ltx:XMApp') {
my ($op, @args) = element_nodes($node);
return OMError("Missing Operator") unless $op;
my $sub = lookupConverter('Apply', $op->getAttribute('role'), $op->getAttribute('meaning'));
return &$sub($op, @args); }
elsif ($tag eq 'ltx:XMTok') {
my $sub = lookupConverter('Token', $node->getAttribute('role'), $node->getAttribute('meaning'));
return &$sub($node); }
elsif ($tag eq 'ltx:XMHint') {
return (); }
else {
return ['om:OMSTR', {}, $node->textContent]; } }
sub lookupConverter {
my ($mode, $role, $name) = @_;
$name = '?' unless $name;
$role = '?' unless $role;
return $$OMTable{"$mode:$role:$name"} || $$OMTable{"$mode:?:$name"}
|| $$OMTable{"$mode:$role:?"} || $$OMTable{"$mode:?:?"}; }
# ================================================================================
# Helpers
sub OMError {
my ($msg) = @_;
return ['om:OME', {},
['om:OMS', { name => 'unexpected', cd => 'moreerrors' }],
['om:OMS', {}, $msg]]; }
# ================================================================================
# Tokens
# Note: In general, there needs to be a lot more support/analysis.
# Here, we simply assume that the token is a variable if there's no CD!!!
# See comments above about meaning.
# With the gradual refinement of meaning, in the lack of a mapping,
# we'll just presume that the cd defaults to latexml...
DefOpenMath('Token:?:?', sub {
my ($token) = @_;
if (my $meaning = $token->getAttribute('meaning')) {
my $cd = $token->getAttribute('omcd') || 'latexml';
return ['om:OMS', { name => $meaning, cd => $cd }]; }
else {
my ($name, %mmlattr) = LaTeXML::Post::MathML::stylizeContent($token, 1);
if (my $mv = $mmlattr{mathvariant}) {
$name = $mv . "-" . $name; }
return ['om:OMV', { name => $name }]; } });
# NOTE: Presence of '.' distinguishes float from int !?!?
DefOpenMath('Token:NUMBER:?', sub {
my ($node) = @_;
my $value = $node->getAttribute('meaning'); # name attribute (may) holds actual value.
$value = $node->textContent unless defined $value;
if ($value =~ /\./) {
return ['om:OMF', { dec => $value }]; }
else {
return ['om:OMI', {}, $value]; } });
DefOpenMath('Token:SUPERSCRIPTOP:?', sub {
return ['om:OMS', { name => 'superscript', cd => 'ambiguous' }]; });
DefOpenMath('Token:SUBSCRIPTOP:?', sub {
return ['om:OMS', { name => 'subscript', cd => 'ambiguous' }]; });
DefOpenMath("Token:?:\x{2062}", sub {
return ['om:OMS', { name => 'times', cd => 'arith1' }]; });
# ================================================================================
# Applications.
# Generic
DefOpenMath('Apply:?:?', sub {
my ($op, @args) = @_;
return ['om:OMA', {}, map { om_expr($_) } $op, @args]; });
# NOTE: No support for OMATTR here...
# NOTE: Sketch of what OMBIND support might look like.
# Currently, no such construct is created in LaTeXML...
DefOpenMath('Apply:LambdaBinding:?', sub {
my ($op, $expr, @vars) = @_;
return ['om:OMBIND', {},
['om:OMS', { name => "lambda", cd => 'fns1' },
['om:OMBVAR', {}, map { om_expr($_) } @vars], # Presumably, these yield OMV
om_expr($expr)]]; });
# ================================================================================