/usr/sbin/drbl-clean-dhcpd-leases is in drbl 2.8.25-1.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o755.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 | #!/bin/bash
# Steven Shiau <steven@nchc.org.tw>
# License: GPL
# Description: To clean the dhcpd.leases then restart dhcpd
# Load DRBL setting and functions
. $DRBL_SCRIPT_PATH/sbin/drbl-conf-functions
# find the path of dhcpd.leases ($DHCPDLEASE_DIR), such as /var/lib/dhcp3 in debian or /var/lib/dhcp in FC1-4.
# drcp_srv_name is loaded from conf/drbl.conf
[ -x "/bin/systemctl" ] && /bin/systemctl stop $DHCP_SRV_NAME.service || /etc/init.d/$DHCP_SRV_NAME stop
[ -f "$DHCPDLEASE_DIR/dhcpd.leases" ] && rm -f $DHCPDLEASE_DIR/dhcpd.leases
[ -f "$DHCPDLEASE_DIR/dhcpd.leases~" ] && rm -f $DHCPDLEASE_DIR/dhcpd.leases~
touch $DHCPDLEASE_DIR/dhcpd.leases
[ -x "/bin/systemctl" ] && /bin/systemctl start $DHCP_SRV_NAME.service || /etc/init.d/$DHCP_SRV_NAME start