/usr/share/pyshared/ClusterShell/CLI/OptionParser.py is in clustershell 1.6-4.
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# Copyright CEA/DAM/DIF (2010, 2011, 2012)
# Contributor: Stephane THIELL <stephane.thiell@cea.fr>
# This file is part of the ClusterShell library.
# This software is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law and
# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
# modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-C
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# The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
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common ClusterShell CLI OptionParser
With few exceptions, ClusterShell command-lines share most option
arguments. This module provides a common OptionParser class.
from copy import copy
import optparse
from ClusterShell import __version__
from ClusterShell.Engine.Factory import PreferredEngine
from ClusterShell.CLI.Display import THREE_CHOICES
def check_safestring(option, opt, value):
"""type-checker function for safestring"""
safestr = str(value)
# check if the string is not empty and not an option
if not safestr or safestr.startswith('-'):
raise ValueError()
return safestr
except ValueError:
raise optparse.OptionValueError(
"option %s: invalid value: %r" % (opt, value))
class Option(optparse.Option):
"""This Option subclass adds a new safestring type."""
TYPES = optparse.Option.TYPES + ("safestring",)
TYPE_CHECKER = copy(optparse.Option.TYPE_CHECKER)
TYPE_CHECKER["safestring"] = check_safestring
class OptionParser(optparse.OptionParser):
"""Derived OptionParser for all CLIs"""
def __init__(self, usage, **kwargs):
"""Initialize ClusterShell CLI OptionParser"""
optparse.OptionParser.__init__(self, usage,
version="%%prog %s" % __version__,
# Set parsing to stop on the first non-option
# Always install groupsource support
self.add_option("-s", "--groupsource", action="store",
type="safestring", dest="groupsource",
help="optional groups.conf(5) group source to use")
def install_nodes_options(self):
"""Install nodes selection options"""
optgrp = optparse.OptionGroup(self, "Selecting target nodes")
optgrp.add_option("-w", action="append", type="safestring",
dest="nodes", help="nodes where to run the command")
optgrp.add_option("-x", action="append", type="safestring",
dest="exclude", metavar="NODES",
help="exclude nodes from the node list")
optgrp.add_option("-a", "--all", action="store_true", dest="nodes_all",
help="run command on all nodes")
optgrp.add_option("-g", "--group", action="append", type="safestring",
dest="group", help="run command on a group of nodes")
optgrp.add_option("-X", action="append", dest="exgroup",
metavar="GROUP", type="safestring",
help="exclude nodes from this group")
optgrp.add_option("-E", "--engine", action="store", dest="engine",
choices=["auto"] + PreferredEngine.engines.keys(),
default="auto", help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
optgrp.add_option("-T", "--topology", action="store", dest="topofile",
default=None, help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
def install_display_options(self,
"""Install options needed by Display class"""
optgrp = optparse.OptionGroup(self, "Output behaviour")
if verbose_options:
optgrp.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true",
dest="quiet", help="be quiet, print essential output only")
optgrp.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",
dest="verbose", help="be verbose, print informative messages")
if debug_option:
optgrp.add_option("-d", "--debug", action="store_true",
help="output more messages for debugging purpose")
optgrp.add_option("-G", "--groupbase", action="store_true",
dest="groupbase", default=False,
help="do not display group source prefix")
optgrp.add_option("-L", action="store_true", dest="line_mode",
help="disable header block and order output by nodes")
optgrp.add_option("-N", action="store_false", dest="label",
default=True, help="disable labeling of command line")
if dshbak_compat:
optgrp.add_option("-b", "-c", "--dshbak", action="store_true",
dest="gather", help="gather nodes with same output")
optgrp.add_option("-b", "--dshbak", action="store_true",
dest="gather", help="gather nodes with same output")
optgrp.add_option("-B", action="store_true", dest="gatherall",
default=False, help="like -b but including standard error")
optgrp.add_option("-r", "--regroup", action="store_true",
dest="regroup", default=False,
help="fold nodeset using node groups")
if separator_option:
optgrp.add_option("-S", "--separator", action="store",
dest="separator", default=':',
help="node / line content separator string " \
"(default: ':')")
optgrp.add_option("-S", action="store_true", dest="maxrc",
help="return the largest of command return codes")
if msgtree_mode:
# clubak specific
optgrp.add_option("-F", "--fast", action="store_true",
help="faster but memory hungry mode")
optgrp.add_option("-T", "--tree", action="store_true",
help="message tree trace mode")
optgrp.add_option("--interpret-keys", action="store",
dest="interpret_keys", choices=THREE_CHOICES,
default=THREE_CHOICES[-1], help="whether to " \
"interpret keys (never, always or auto)")
optgrp.add_option("--color", action="store", dest="whencolor",
choices=THREE_CHOICES, help="whether to use ANSI " \
"colors (never, always or auto)")
optgrp.add_option("--diff", action="store_true", dest="diff",
help="show diff between gathered outputs")
def _copy_callback(self, option, opt_str, value, parser):
"""special callback method for copy and rcopy toggles"""
# enable interspersed args again
# set True to dest option attribute
setattr(parser.values, option.dest, True)
def install_filecopy_options(self):
"""Install file copying specific options"""
optgrp = optparse.OptionGroup(self, "File copying")
optgrp.add_option("-c", "--copy", action="callback", dest="copy",
help="copy local file or directory to remote nodes")
optgrp.add_option("--rcopy", action="callback", dest="rcopy",
help="copy file or directory from remote nodes")
optgrp.add_option("--dest", action="store", dest="dest_path",
help="destination file or directory on the nodes")
optgrp.add_option("-p", action="store_true", dest="preserve_flag",
help="preserve modification times and modes")
def install_ssh_options(self):
"""Install engine/connector (ssh) options"""
optgrp = optparse.OptionGroup(self, "Ssh/Tree options")
optgrp.add_option("-f", "--fanout", action="store", dest="fanout",
help="use a specified fanout", type="int")
#help="queueing delay for traffic grooming"
optgrp.add_option("-Q", action="store", dest="grooming_delay",
help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP, type="float")
optgrp.add_option("-l", "--user", action="store", type="safestring",
dest="user", help="execute remote command as user")
optgrp.add_option("-o", "--options", action="store", dest="options",
help="can be used to give ssh options")
optgrp.add_option("-t", "--connect_timeout", action="store",
dest="connect_timeout", help="limit time to " \
"connect to a node" ,type="float")
optgrp.add_option("-u", "--command_timeout", action="store",
dest="command_timeout", help="limit time for " \
"command to run on the node", type="float")
def install_nodeset_commands(self):
"""Install nodeset commands"""
optgrp = optparse.OptionGroup(self, "Commands")
optgrp.add_option("-c", "--count", action="store_true", dest="count",
default=False, help="show number of nodes in " \
optgrp.add_option("-e", "--expand", action="store_true",
dest="expand", default=False, help="expand " \
"nodeset(s) to separate nodes")
optgrp.add_option("-f", "--fold", action="store_true", dest="fold",
default=False, help="fold nodeset(s) (or " \
"separate nodes) into one nodeset")
optgrp.add_option("-l", "--list", action="count", dest="list",
default=False, help="list node groups (see -s " \
optgrp.add_option("-r", "--regroup", action="store_true",
dest="regroup", default=False, help="fold nodes " \
"using node groups (see -s GROUPSOURCE)")
optgrp.add_option("--groupsources", action="store_true",
dest="groupsources", default=False, help="list " \
"all configured group sources (see groups.conf(5))")
def install_nodeset_operations(self):
"""Install nodeset operations"""
optgrp = optparse.OptionGroup(self, "Operations")
optgrp.add_option("-x", "--exclude", action="append", dest="sub_nodes",
default=[], type="string",
help="exclude specified nodeset")
optgrp.add_option("-i", "--intersection", action="append",
dest="and_nodes", default=[], type="string",
help="calculate nodesets intersection")
optgrp.add_option("-X", "--xor", action="append", dest="xor_nodes",
default=[], type="string", help="calculate " \
"symmetric difference between nodesets")
def install_nodeset_options(self):
"""Install nodeset options"""
optgrp = optparse.OptionGroup(self, "Options")
optgrp.add_option("-a", "--all", action="store_true", dest="all",
help="call external node groups support to " \
"display all nodes")
optgrp.add_option("--autostep", action="store", dest="autostep",
help="auto step threshold number when folding " \
"nodesets", type="int")
optgrp.add_option("-d", "--debug", action="store_true", dest="debug",
help="output more messages for debugging purpose")
optgrp.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", dest="quiet",
help="be quiet, print essential output only")
optgrp.add_option("-R", "--rangeset", action="store_true",
dest="rangeset", help="switch to RangeSet instead " \
"of NodeSet. Useful when working on numerical " \
"cluster ranges, eg. 1,5,18-31")
optgrp.add_option("-G", "--groupbase", action="store_true",
dest="groupbase", help="hide group source prefix " \
"(always \"@groupname\")")
optgrp.add_option("-S", "--separator", action="store", dest="separator",
default=' ', help="separator string to use when " \
"expanding nodesets (default: ' ')")
optgrp.add_option("-I", "--slice", action="store",
help="return sliced off result", type="string")
optgrp.add_option("--split", action="store", dest="maxsplit",
help="split result into a number of subsets",
optgrp.add_option("--contiguous", action="store_true",
dest="contiguous", help="split result into " \
"contiguous subsets")