/usr/share/celestia/demo_lv.cel is in celestia-common 1.6.1+dfsg-3.1.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 | {
timerate { rate 0 }
labels { clear "planets|minorplanets|stars|constellations" }
renderflags { set "stars|planets"
clear "constellations|orbits|cloudmaps" }
print { text "Tiek s\u0101kta demonostr\u0101cija . . .\nLai aptur\u0113tu nopiediet ESC." origin "center" duration 2 }
wait { duration 2.0 }
print { text "S\u0101ksim tuv\u0101k m\u0101j\u0101m . . ." row -3 }
select { object "Sol/Earth" }
cancel {}
# goto { time 0 distance 3 upframe "ecliptical" }
# gotolonglat { time 0 distance 3 longitude -122 latitude 47 }
synchronous {}
gotoloc { time 0.0 position [ 0 0 20000 ] }
wait { duration 0.1 }
center { time 0.1 }
wait { duration 1.0 }
follow {}
print { text "Tagad m\u0113s atrodamies orb\u012bt\u0101, 12,500km augstum\u0101 ap Zemi." row -3 duration 5 }
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 10 }
print { text "Ar m\u0101ko\u0146iem gan t\u0101 izskat\u0101s daudz pierast\u0101k." row -3}
wait { duration 0.1 }
renderflags { set "cloudmaps" }
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 6 }
print { text "N\u0101kam\u0101 pietura: M\u0113ness" row -3 }
select { object "Moon" }
goto { time 5 distance 4 upframe "equatorial" }
wait { duration 5.5 }
print { text "Iev\u0113rojiet Zemi un Sauli, kam\u0113r apri\u0146osim M\u0113nesi" row -3}
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 10 }
print { text "Un tagad dosimies uz Saules pusi" row -3}
select { object "Sol" }
goto { time 8 distance 12 upframe "equatorial" up [ 0 1 0 ] }
wait { duration 8.5 }
print { text "\u0160\u0101d\u0101 att\u0101lum\u0101 var redz\u0113t tum\u0161os Saules plankumus" row -3}
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 20 duration 10 }
print { text "Tagad att\u0101lin\u0101simies, lai uzmestu aci iek\u0161\u0113jai Saules sist\u0113mas da\u013cai" row -3}
orbit { axis [ 1 0 0 ] rate 45 duration 2 }
renderflags { set "orbits" }
changedistance { duration 4.0 rate 1.0 }
print { text "Iesl\u0113dzam plan\u0113tu nosaukums . . ." row -3}
labels { set "planets" }
wait { duration 1.0 }
print { text ". . . un tagad varam pa\u0101trin\u0101t laiku, lai apl\u016bkotu k\u0101 t\u0101s apri\u0146\u0137o Sauli" row -3}
timerate { rate 2592000 }
wait { duration 3.0 }
print { text "Katru sekunde ir piel\u012bdzin\u0101ma veselam m\u0113nesim \u0161ai simul\u0101cij\u0101. " row -3}
wait { duration 12.0 }
timerate { rate 1 }
print { text "Un tagad laiks ir aptur\u0113ts pavisam." row -3}
wait { duration 1.0 }
print { text "N\u0101kamais pieturas punkts ir Saturns" row -3}
select { object "Saturn" }
center { time 2 }
wait { duration 2 }
goto { time 8 distance 6 up [ 0 1 0 ] upframe "equatorial" }
wait { duration 6.5 }
renderflags { clear "orbits" }
labels { clear "planets" }
print { text "Vair\u0101ki Saturna pavado\u0146i ir saskat\u0101mi k\u0101 spo\u017ei punkti ap to." row -3 duration 3}
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 12 }
select { object "Mimas" }
goto { time 5 distance 4 upframe "equatorial" }
print { text "Uz Saturna pavado\u0146a Mimasa, visiev\u0113rojam\u0101kais ir milz\u012bgais kr\u0101teris Her\u0161els" row -3 duration 9 }
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 12 }
changedistance { duration 6.0 rate 0.5 }
select { object "Sol" }
center { time 2 }
print { text "Paskatieties cik Saule ir bl\u0101va no \u0161\u0101da att\u0101luma" row -3 }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "Tagad paskat\u012bsimies uz zvaigzn\u0113m" row -3 duration 2 }
wait { duration 2 }
select { object "Alpha UMa" }
center { time 2 }
print { text "J\u016bs dro\u0161ie vien atpaz\u012bsiet Lielos Greizos Ratus jeb Lielo L\u0101ci" row -3 duration 3 }
wait { duration 4 }
select { object "Polaris" }
center { time 2 }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "Tagad esam iecentr\u0113ju\u0161i Pol\u0101rzvaigzni (Polaris)." row -3}
wait { duration 1 }
labels { set "stars" }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "Pol\u0101rzvaigznes pieder pie zvaig\u017e\u0146u sakopojuma ko taut\u0101 sauc par Mazajiem Greizajiem Ratiem" row -3}
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "Lai lab\u0101k pal\u012bdz\u0113tu orient\u0113ties, Celestia var izz\u012bm\u0113t zvaigzn\u0101ju apveidus . . ." row -3}
renderflags { set "constellations" }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text ". . . un nosaukumus" row -3}
labels { set "constellations" }
wait { duration 2 }
select { object "Alnilam" }
center { time 4 }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "Orions ir visiev\u0113rojam\u0101kais zvaigzn\u0101js m\u016bsu plan\u0113tas debes\u012bs" row -3 duration 3 }
wait { duration 4 }
select { object "Beta Cru" }
center { time 4 }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "Dienvidu Krustus ir paz\u012bstams apveids Dienvidu puslod\u0113 dz\u012bvojo\u0161ajiem." row -3 duration 4 }
wait { duration 4 }
rotate { axis [ 0.707 0.707 0 ] rate 20 duration 7 }
print { text "Tagad iesl\u0113gsim galaktiku izz\u012bm\u0113\u0161anu, lai var\u0113tu apl\u016bkot Piena Ce\u013cu" row -3 duration 4 }
renderflags { set "galaxies" }
rotate { axis [ 0.707 0.707 0 ] rate 20 duration 14 }
rotate { axis [ 0.707 0.707 0 ] rate 20 duration 10 }
select { object "Antares" }
center { time 5 }
wait { duration 3 }
print { text "Aizce\u013cosim tagad l\u012bdz zvaigznei Antares, kas ir sarkanais p\u0101rmilzis Skorpiona zvaigzn\u0101j\u0101." row -3 duration 5 }
wait { duration 2 }
renderflags { clear "constellations" }
labels { clear "constellations|stars" }
wait { duration 1 }
goto { time 8 distance 200 }
wait { duration 8.5 }
goto { time 5 distance 10 }
wait { duration 5.0 }
print { text "Lai gan tagad m\u0113s atrodamies 10x t\u0101l\u0101k no Antares\nnek\u0101 zeme no Saules, milz\u012bg\u0101 sarkan\u0101 zvaigznes joproj\u0101m aiz\u0146em liel\u0101ku da\u013cu skata." row -3}
wait { duration 4.0 }
print { text "Tagad att\u0101lin\u0101simies atkal, lai apl\u016bkotu kopainu . . ." row -3}
changedistance { duration 10.0 rate 2.0 }
select { object "Milky Way" }
print { text "Tagad m\u0113s redzam visu Piena Ce\u013ca galaktiku no malas." row -3 duration 6 }
orbit { axis [ 1 0 0 ] rate 30 duration 16.0 }
print { text "Laiks doties m\u0101j\u0101s . . ." row -3}
select { object "Sol/Earth" }
goto { time 20 distance 10 upframe "equatorial" }
wait { duration 20.0 }
print { text "Demonstr\u0101cija pabeigta." row -3}
wait { duration 3.0 }